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Everything posted by Killercook76

  1. I would take it off right now!! Longest I kept mine on for was 3 days. I usually keep it on for about 2.5 days and my tattoos come out perfectly. No lotion on top or under the derm. Just take it off then air dry for a while like a day or so. Then start with the lotion.
  2. i'm sure it will be fine as long as you have a good tattoo artist. Usually I go with a bunch of ideas but at the end of the day I mostly listen to the artist. Sometimes I want a bunch of stuff but I think for a skull and snake less is more. Maybe just the cherry blossoms or just peonies flower. Unless you're doing a full sleeve. Just my opinion.
  3. a week? I keep mine on for 2 to 3 days max with amazing healing results. I do agree in certain areas it's more difficult to apply correctly but well worth the effort. Haven't had any scabs since using it.
  4. Last minute appointment at Kingsave NYC with Chris O'Donnell
  5. Haha nice thread! I guess it's on the artist. When I approached Tim to do a collaboration with Garver he wasn't too excited about the idea but I think that's mostly because he's on the west coast. He told me either get my back done by him or Chris. Since they work in the same shop and know each other I wouldn't see any problem with that! Oh btw I actually kinda have a collaboration with Tim and Chris now. Chris is currently finishing my cobra background. I'm sure you seen it on instagram.
  6. I can understand what you are talking about.. People judge all the time for all sorts of things. Personally I wouldn't care much if anyone who i was in contact had tattoos. Unless they were highly offensive. I highly doubt people will check you out personally before making any sort of appointments. Maybe just check where you went to school etc. Anyway if you do decide to get anything lasered off just know that it's a long process.
  7. Yeah I agree with everyone here! My normal advice would be to wait until you can afford a high quality tattoo artist but not sure how they would feel about doing this sort of tattoo. Especially on a 18 year old with no tattoos... If you are really serious about it I would still wait and get a smaller tattoo first . Also think about who will be helping you with the after care because obviously you cannot do it yourself unless you have some crazy flexibility!!
  8. haha ok.. did you try visiting or calling the shop or are you emailing ? In my opinion it looks like the artist was about to start something but maybe decided to do it another time? So yeah I would just wait until your next appointment and talk it over . Plus it's super light so even if it was done on by mistake any background will cover that up very easy!! If you didn't talk about doing a background with the artist I can see how you may be concerned but...
  9. honestly I wouldn't worry too much. If you are going to do a underwater background then that grey will be covered up with blue no? Also it look to me that it's not completely healed. If you are that concerned about it I would go and talk it over it your artist. Like I said I wouldn't freak out .
  10. looks like a back shadow? or he was about to start the background but maybe decided to do it another time?
  11. NY Adorned and Saved are probably your best bets in NYC.
  12. By Mike Rubendall at Kingsave NYC. Still need to add some patterns on the veil. Any suggestions?
  13. Sorry to hear about that but why did you put a&d ointment before applying the tegaderm? If you think about it that can't be good ! My first experience using a&D it made me break out slightly so ever since I've been using aquaphor. Either way trapping ointment under the tegaderm can't be good bro. Did you do that on the other tattoo?
  14. yes exacty next time wait at least 12 hours or so. Otherwise a build up of plasma will be too much for the adhesive and will just start peeling of. A little plasma is ok actually.. usually after the next day your tattoo is still "wet" .
  15. Seriously.. Most tattoo artist I know use inks from companies that have good track records. Say ink X is used on 10k people a year and no reaction, allergies or whatever occurs there is very little chance that whatever you are concerned about will effect you.
  16. You will be ok... who is telling you these lies? Maybe they are trying to scare you so you will not get anymore tattoos? haha!!
  17. San Fran is one of the most expensive cities to live in vs Portland Oregon one of the cheapest. I'm sure the pay is a bit more but it's not going to be drastically more.
  18. Check out Jusin Weatherholtz he does that style very well.
  19. I'm not saying you should get red roses .. I just think it's better to choose either or. In any case talk it over with a tattoo artist and be open minded. Just be flexible with the design. That's all I'm saying.
  20. Right!! Thanks that's what I meant to say.. haha! Yeah I think go either go all black n grey or all color. In my case it came out great but that is because it was a cobra . In her case I think it would look odd but she seems to be stuck on that idea..
  21. just some friendly advice. Tattoos without outlines is not a good idea. It looks good but after a couple of years it will start looking more like a blob. Sorry couldn't think of another word.. ha Also that tattoo looks like it's been done recently. Usually black no matter how dark it is after healing becomes grey. For example those roses in the pic will be a couple shades lighter after it heals so . I do like the black and red color combo and have a tattoo like that.. check out my pics I have a cobra black n red. Usually people have in mind what they want but to get the best tattoo it's good to have an open mind and talk with some tattoo artist that you like.
  22. tim hendricks does the best roses in my opinion .
  23. you want a traditional tattoo in black n grey with some color? I personally would either go all black n grey or all color. Well roses are a classic tattoo design and I don't see it as girly.. Conventions could maybe be a better choice if you cannot find anyone local. Single needle is cool but not what I think of when it comes to traditional .
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