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Killercook76 last won the day on November 8 2016

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  1. Done at Invisible NYC by Garver
  2. Yeah you may have a point. I just started so I can't really say for sure but it seems to be less painful so far . I know .. The ass!! Haha
  3. My right shoulder there is a realistic eagle. Yeah I have more than one eagle.. haha Yeah that's only half the design. The dragon part will continue down to my knees. It's not some sort of mash up of the two. I know it kind of looks like that now. If you want to see the full design check out my instagram Killercook76
  4. Don't be nervous! Back seems to be less painful then the front.
  5. not at all. I like the battle royal but it can look a little cluttered .. just my opinion. I guess if I had a huge back I would have .
  6. @hogg Wasn't an easy decision to take out the snake part but it turned out better this way. I actually had Rubendall wanting to do the snake part.. that would have be awesome !!
  7. haha you so clever! The dragon head will come next session.. Battle royal minus the snake.
  8. Round 1 of my eagle/dragon. Tattoo By Chris Garver (thanks fairgreen) at Invisible NYC
  9. Round 1 by Chris Garver Invisible NYC
  10. Not for me I start my back on Monday. Was looking to see for a friend.
  11. That's great !! Well his books open up in the summer . I would suggest you start from there. You are probably going to have to wait several years but if you can ... it's well worth it!!
  12. Like i said I'm starting my back soon. I just came in to say what's up to a friend . Mike had a free hour so I said wtf not hahaha!! You don't get chances like that a lot.
  13. why not? haha! had some space so . I'm starting my back soon so didn't want to do anything major. It's a nice little filler by one of the best..
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