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Posts posted by Pleadco

  1. During our recent move into our new home, I got rid of a loooooottt of crap. It's frightening how much useless junk you can accumulate over a short time. As a result I've cut down on a lot of impulse spending and our house is less cluttered.

    That being said, I still hold on to my books (comics and otherwise), photos, paintings, and a few trinkets that hold personal meaning. @mmikaoj has some good points, but for those of us who are a little more settled, it's nice to have those pieces of our past to reflect on. Having things isn't just about consumerism, it's about being able to touch your past and revel in the associated emotions and memories.

    Sure, none of it is coming with us when we die, but at that point my son will get to enjoy my dog eared "The Tick" comics.

  2. Ex lurker means that you have crossed the threshold from anonymously reading the forums to posting and making yourself known.

    Most of us are barely computer literate, so don't worry about that. Once you get the hang of it though, please post some of your work :)

    Welcome to the forums!

  3. Hey David, I'd drive to Seattle for the right artist. Do you have a recommendation? That dragon is looking gnarly.

    Thanks :)

    Triumph is a good shop, Jason does solid work also. You can certainly go back there to finish up your arm, but I wouldn't be concerned about it if you wanted to expand your horizons with different artist(s).

    There are a ton of great shops down in Seattle, and I might have a few suggestions for you ;)

    Slave to the Needle Tattoos and Body Piercing in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma : Aaron Bell, Levi Polzin, Cindy Maxwell.

    Rabid Hands : Bryan Kachel and Jerad Shealey.

    Dark Age Tattoo - Dark Age Tattoo Seattle : Jesse Roberts (his waiting list is only a couple of months)

    There are more, but that should get you started. British Columbia is also chock full of great tattooers, if you have your passport or enhanced drivers license.


  4. Welcome bud. You will find a receptive and helpful bunch here, especially when people such as yourself show a willingness to listen and learn.

    Stick around, soak in some ideas, and travel around to check out shops to see things in person.

    As far as the world class Idea goes, there have just recently been some great discussions on how subjective that can be.


  5. It's not selfish to acknowledge the huge impact that this will have on your life. It's hard enough that she is family, but spending so much of your life caring for her just compounds the loss.

    I lost my mom to cancer, and I know how hard it is to see a loved one slip away. I also know the amount of bravery it takes to stick with them till the end. You are much stronger than you may think right now, and you'll make it through.

  6. Hah, I am actually flying down with the wife and kids for a wedding that same weekend. Most car rental agencies should be open still. It looks like you can rent a car from Enterprise for around $30 a day.

    If you want, I'll trade you places for the weekend. Sitting around in a stuffy suit is waaay more fun then than the amazing weekend you have lined up ;)

    P.S. has anyone been to the San Francisco dungeon?

    Retribution Awaits at the San Francisco Dungeons …:

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