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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. Hello folks. So I will be working in Portland, Oregon May 30th through June 1st and am taking appointments for flash, custom work, and hand-poked tattoos. Would also love to meet some LST peoples while I'm in town. If you are interested in getting tattooed, shoot an email to [email protected] Cheers!
  2. This thread is making me extremely not stoked to start my back.
  3. I know Jason Kundell at Artwork Rebels has already been mentioned, but everyone else at the shop is fantastic as well. Josiah Laughlin, Gordon Combs, Jeff P, and Ross Carlson are all completely epic tattooers.
  4. @RoryQ I think it's pretty uncommon here too, but I see it from time to time. More of a fan of the darker stuff myself, but I also think that stuff takes a lot of finesse to look good. But when it looks good it looks awesome! Bart Bingham has a 20 year old biomechanical sleeve that still looks great, come to think of it.
  5. @beez Aahh they're not Bug's children, it's the other lizard Bumblebee :) But the eggs have to incubate for 3 months before they hatch and I gave them to the vivarium for incubation. If you want one, I'll see if they can sell it and ship it to you!! The hatchling, not the egg haha
  6. @sophistre that would be rad, thank you! And they're leopard geckos, so they are actually super low maintenance. Food every other day, fresh water every day, handling for 20 minutes a day and a warm humid box to shed every two weeks! Super easy and they are really fun creatures, lots of personality.
  7. @xcom I think most of us understood that you were trying to contribute something positive, I wouldn't worry. Also @RoryQ have you checked out Jeff Crocci's work at 7th Son in SF?
  8. @hogg @Iwar @gougetheeyes can we ban this embarassment yet? Sorry if I'm out of line for asking this but holy fuck
  9. -raises hand- ooh me please! Haven't had a reading in years and I could totally use some direction right now. That's awesome that you're working with the deck, always something I've been interested in but never taken to. As for a general response to the thread, I got another lizard a few weeks ago, a gravid female. She laid 3 eggs!! Two of em last night. Usually they come in pairs but she had 3! I think she's still cranky that I took them away.
  10. @Abellve that thing is excellent!!! Really cool piece, fits your head great :)
  11. I'm not sure I understand your point here. Eddy Deutsche is a traditionally trained tattooer who had also branched out in subject and style but keeps within the technique. Also the credo isn't exactly "traditional is better" it's "bold will hold." I don't know. This thread has gotten kind of ridiculous. If you have a chip on your shoulder, don't engage other users in a negative or confrontational manner, go start a thread that promotes positive information and education on the tattooing that you like.
  12. Yeah not like tattoo flash, flashy like sensational or "wow" factor.
  13. That's not what I said at all. You have a relationship and wide exposure to tattoos and I respect your tastes even if they're not my tastes. I just think that traditional tattoos are harder for the layman to appreciate because they're not as flashy.
  14. @pidjones my man is from mt. vernon. Oh the internet :rolleyes:
  15. I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but are you Rob Hamilton? If so, I guessed only because I've heard a lot of stories from my boyfriend(Chris USA) about the shop. If not, please disregard and either way welcome :)
  16. Traditional and Japanese are hands down my favorite styles of tattooing. A really interesting thing is happening in the development of traditional tattoos right now, where artists are keeping in tradition with the technique and tools of prior generations but really branching out in subject matter, concept, and style. For instance, look at the work of James McKenna, Aidan Monahan, or Slawomir Nietschke. All of whom keep with the bold line, heavy black, saturated color, negative space ratios, and dynamic designs, while exploring very interesting and wacky themes. Or even the less weird but still very advanced and finessed work of artists like Herb Aeurbach, Paul Dobleman, or Gordon Combs. It's a super cool and exciting thing to be happening within a particular school of thought and is what makes the style most interesting to me. It seems to me that the general populace prefers realism or new school tattoos, or even the more painterly stuff. If that's your preference, I don't really care, but I do attribute it largely to ignorance and a magpie effect.
  17. That is terrible advice!!
  18. Already posted these on the gram but here are some larger views, hopefully you can get more of the soul of these paintings in this format
  19. @beez aah sorry! By Carolyn LeBourgeois (me) at FTW Tattoo Parlor in Oakland, California. On my friend Kiki :)
  20. Wait, so the sensor is made of green LEDs and photodiode sensors which image capture blood flow on the wrist and have a hard time seeing through dark pigmented skin. I have to ask, does that mean that it doesn't work on black people too? The fuck, Apple??
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