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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. Hi! Welcome to the forum. Feel free to say something about yourself or introduce yourself in regards to your artistic or tattoo interests. Also, the best place to show off your new tattoos is in the "Latest Tattoo Lowdown" thread. It is always nice to keep the forum consolidated, because if everyone posted a thread for each new tattoo they got, we'd probably have like 600 threads about new tattoos. Anyway, enjoy the knowledge and resources! Cheers
  2. You mean this? ATAK: analog tattoo arts kolectiv — BLOODWORK: BODIES & SLEEVES :)
  3. @Dumpleton I love that!! The hard work is showing, you are getting visibly better with every painting.
  4. @Mark Bee @guitguy @MGblues Thank you very much!!
  5. @hogg @Shaun1105 @Iwar Thank you all so much! It means a lot. Sometimes I bum myself out on the details I'm not happy with and lose sight of the piece as a whole. I am flattered.
  6. Finished this today. Pharaoh's Horses is one of my favorite classic images. Overall pretty happy with it, just wish I had picked darker colors or left it completely black and grey. Luckily this is the first and probably not the last time I will visit this image.
  7. Gratuity is just that, an expression of gratitude. But on the other note, a shop owner has it harder than you think. They are responsible for all overhead, maintenance, extraneous expenses, etc., which may or may not add up to a lot during any given month.
  8. Oxiclean gel stick! Also, hydrogen peroxide will get blood out of anything.
  9. I am hesitant to even type this, but I think I need to start slowing down. I believe I've gotten 11 tattoos this year, and I'd like to get 2 more to make an even 13 for 2013, but I'm also not a very large person. I've only been getting tattooed for about 4 years and probably have 25% coverage. I'd like to get tattooed for many years to come and I know my tastes are going to change. What's probably going to happen is I'm going to stop getting tattooed for a little while, save up a bunch of money, and then start working on the really big pieces.
  10. Haha, welcome. Perhaps make another account under a different username?
  11. Man, I'm really kinda bummed I didn't run into anyone else from the forum. It was great to see @Reyeslv, his lady, and @ian again, but I wish I had seen more of you guys!
  12. Thank you! Haha I think I'm actually the one that missed you. I didn't end up going yesterday, went today instead. Which was probably for the better, I ended up taking my gecko to the vet and overall it was a day full of fail. But I got tons of pictures today so I'll be posting em up soon! @Sean Sinha Thank you!
  13. I think all of my tattoos could be considered work-related tattoos, haha. Although a tattoo of a tattoo machine is a cliche I've never been terribly interested in.
  14. DEEEEEENNNOOOOOOO at the Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts Dude was so cool, I had such a great time. I also got to practice my spanish and many laughs were exchanged. I asked about some of his tattoos, he asked about some of mine, overall a lovely experience. Also, my forearm now somewhat resembles a balloon. Ha
  15. I am also stupidly broke and I feel like I did not even make a tiny dent in everything I wanted to buy. Also I'm a genius and forgot my camera at my coworker's house and my phone died so I didn't take any pictures. BUT-- I met Thom DeVita, Ed Hardy, Jill Bonny, Valerie Vargas, Deno, Jondix, Micah Caudle, Dawn Cooke, Deb Yarian, and ran into a whole bunch of other people I already knew. It was overwhelming, to say the very least. I had a blast though, everyone was just so damn nice.
  16. I adopted the most utterly adorable leopard gecko last night. I've been wanting a snake again for some time, so I think this will be a good transition. It's previous owner was a piece of shit who neglected the poor thing. One of its eyeballs was dried out like a raisin, it's missing a bunch of toenails from joint suffocation, and its tank was filthy with shit, dead crickets, and dead maggots. Gonna pick up some crickets today, I have no idea when was the last time it ate. Kinda stressing on the possibility of it getting sick from its previous conditions, and hoping more toes don't fall off (there's still shed skin stuck on em). But I'm in love with it and can't wait til it's all settled in. LOOK HOW CUTE!!!!!!
  17. It very well could be. The old timers ripped each other off quite a lot, although Zeis was one of the first tattooers to openly sell his flash.
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