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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. I still think this is a sham! Hahaha... I did an independent search for Janet Monroe as ontario's city councilwoman and nothing came up other than the article posted.
  2. I am almost positive that niagara falls tattoo is photoshopped...
  3. I just realized that my friend works at this shop and he makes so much more sense now as a person... hahahahaha
  4. I've decided to take my stuff in a more defined direction, here is a new piece along the lines of where I'm trying to go.
  5. Word! The beveling is such a great idea. I won't go into specifics, but it is noticeable to me in terms of how the needle moves. I think a few people are also doing this with their machines, but I also really like that welded nail between the spring shelf and the base of the frame, makes it a lot easier on the joints to work with a heavier machine like that.
  6. Haha, what was your question? But yeah, that thing rules. It is a truly quality machine, made by Micah Caudle. I definitely recommend buying a machine from him, top notch stuff.
  7. These are my two favorite machines. I think they look pretty rad. Not too shiny, not beat up, just honest pieces of equipment.
  8. @slayer9019 UGH I LOVE THAT! So fucking tough. Perfect for a knee cap. So many high fives for you.
  9. For some reason lately, we've had a barrage of couples at the shop who think it's okay to make out on the tattoo floor and lean on the tables/be publicly affectionate. Like.. come on, guys. I am at work. Working.
  10. Pardon my ignorance, but what does the wall color of your station have to do with anything at all?
  11. Oakland police department is corrupt as fuck and has zero interest in serving the people of this city. Can't say that's true for all police departments, but with the growing militarization of the police force, my respect for the people serving this system is rapidly dwindling. I do think there is honesty and integrity in the ideal of law enforcement, but I have yet to see much of that in action. But yeah, I have no idea who you are, where you live, or what your job is like, so I can't say much on your situation.
  12. Those comments... aye At least it's good to know that tattoos still serve a rudimentary purpose of keeping the assholes away...
  13. Not to completely undermine your totally valid point, but you cannot discard a copied tattoo if you decide that it is not of the quality that you expect. To me, that is a crucial difference. Also, that level of honesty is absolutely not practiced to that degree in the western world.
  14. God bless the internet. That is all. Your Favorite Disney Princesses With Beards
  15. As I was perusing the forum, I found myself in the Initiation section and made a comment on someone's thread about not posting a new thread just for the sake of showing off a new tattoo, mentioning that there would probably be hundreds of threads about new tattoos when we have one thread that has served the community perfectly well for that purpose. And then my brain got to thinking, "well, what would happen if there actually were hundreds of threads for basically the same function? probably would take up a ton of server space, and be really expensive to maintain." And then upon going back into the Initiation forum, I noticed the 51 pages of threads. Now feel free to disregard this suggestion, but I think it would probably help with the site's expenses if every thread in that section of the forum were deleted after 60 days. Or perhaps deleted after 60 days of inactivity. Obviously, not every person who signs up here ends up sticking around. Which is fine! To me, it seems a little unnecessary to archive threads that say basically the same thing, by people who have already left and by people who have become active members. Also, with fewer threads to sort through, the ones actively present in the sub-forum reclaim their relevance. Anyhow, just an idea. Thoughts?
  16. Hehe, I actually haven't seen that book. That is a really cool experience!! Although if it is the daily sketch book, I'm guessing that your tattoo came from his drawing which came from another silk painting. I'll take a picture and post it up later today :)
  17. That thing is fucking awesome!! Also, is it weird that I know exactly which reference image he used? Ha
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