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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. Looks just fine to me? Welcome to the forum!
  2. Hey, welcome. I like that dragon, where did you get it done? And who are you learning under?
  3. My arms are all pick and stick tattoos, and if I were to start over with the same aesthetic, I would definitely get large tattoos in the large spaces first. Nothing sucks more than wanting a big tattoo in a certain area and realizing that you don't have enough room for it. Also, when advising clients on where to put a design that they have already chosen, I tell them to put it in a spot that is the same size and shape as the design. So if I were starting my arms over again, I would start with larger pieces on the inner and outer biceps, large vertical designs down the backs of the forearms(mid upper bicep, over the elbow to upper wrist) or a large diagonal design wrapping from back of the elbow to front of the wrist, central/circular designs over the ditch, and then porkchop sized pieces on the inner forearms and wrists. It is always fun to put smaller tattoos between the spaces that are already well-framed and fit nicely in the area. That is just my own opinion on what I think looks best in terms of placement on the arms, but really it is up to you. I think the most solid course of action is to definitely start from the top to the bottom and place things where they fit best.
  4. Got this subtle vag-rose from Olivia at Mom's Body Shop in SF today. Super fun! Loving the pink and black. The little 13 is cause this was the 13th tattoo of 2013 :P
  5. Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy!
  6. Welcome! Does your mentor post on LST?
  7. No, that makes perfect sense! Your work very much looks your own. They were just very small things that got me thinking, like the way you move some strokes, your saturation, and shapes/movement. I think it is cool when you can visibly note influences, it kind of provides a window to the artist's tastes and who they are outside of the art. It's also totally inevitable for influences to show through anyone's work and doesn't even necessarily imply copying. Anyway, your paintings are great and I would totally be interested in prints if you make any!
  8. Or fuck it, just stand in front of one! Go big or go home?
  9. holy shit, I just found the nipple and realized how utterly-fucking-gigantic that disaster is !!!
  10. if I may ask, are you at all influenced by Timothy Hoyer's work? (I notice very subtle similarities, definitely took me a second look to pick up on it. Just curious!)
  11. cltattooing

    img 8548

    Are you making prints? Please say yes :P
  12. Yeah I guess it's a bit different if you don't have to fear for your safety from the people trying to lift up your clothes.
  13. Good call! Seems like a lot of good work is coming out of that shop, although I definitely dig Daryl's versatility and his lady heads are really cool. Sometimes it gets tiring to see the same lady head over and over again, looks like he's keeping it fresh.
  14. Thanks so much! How embarrassing, haha. I already asked Ross, but if he isn't able to get to it, would it be too much trouble to add this picture to her section? http://i41.tinypic.com/212cx3b.png
  15. Yeah cheers, good looking out! Looks like I can't edit the original post, can any mods help edit that or open the post back up? @hogg @slayer9019 @Iwar @gougetheeyes
  16. @chrislj54 Hahahahaha, you are absolutely right. I'm an idiot, I'll go fix that~ (but if it means anything, she is that good that I would mistake the two easily)
  17. Such a righteous tattoo, love the heavy black!
  18. There was a dude at the bar yesterday who was FUCKED UP on who knows what... more than alcohol, that's for sure. I think that was the first time I've ever actually had to tell someone not to touch me. I think I've gotten pretty lucky so far with people being rude and entitled, but I gotta say this thread was the first thing I thought of when he was all up in my space.
  19. Love this one! Super clean for being right in the pit, too.
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