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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. I have decided that the reason there are such garbage artists on the show is because no self-respecting, talented, or halfway humble tattooer would touch that affair with a 10 foot pole.
  2. Those are awesome!! Man, I wish my friends would give me a bunch of money to get tattooed, maybe I should get married ;) Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see more!
  3. Alright, well if you have a car you should definitely visit Spider Murphy's. Also, will you be here the same days as the Bay Area Convention of the Arts?
  4. Also, holler at me if you would like help navigating bay area public transportation or want to know how to get from point a to point b the easiest.
  5. I got to see the hobo clown he just did in person last night. Fucking unreal. Super stoked to see what you get!!
  6. @real meta Haha!! It's so true, though. By Monga, right?
  7. oooh sweet, can't wait!!! We'll have another barrage of great tattoos at the end of October, too.
  8. Hey, welcome! You've definitely come to the right place for recommendations. Can we see some pictures and maybe hear some stories? :)
  9. Shops also worth noting: Everlasting Idle Hand Picture Machine Mom's Body Shop (ask for @Jacek Minkowski or Olivia) Seventh Son Warhorse Tattoo (Berkeley) FTW Tattoo (Oakland) Tattoo 13 (Oakland) Analog Tattoo Arts Kolectiv (San Jose) also, I can basically guarantee that there will be someone at any of the shops previously mentioned who can kick the shit out of any style you're looking for.
  10. I am an omnivore and pretty flexible with what I'll eat, so I'm game for whatever. I'll eat street tacos with y'all, don't matter to me.
  11. Everyone's getting such awesome stuff. I love you guys. Haha
  12. Well luckily blowouts don't have anything to do with how you take care of the tattoo, so I wouldn't worry about that. My only concerns around re-wrapping are trapping in bacteria before your body has a chance to form a barrier. From my own experience, if I leave the original wrap on 24+ hours, it cuts my heal down by half. All of that juicy plasma has more time to nourish the wound. Just gotta make sure that you wash all of it off, because any that's left on will form a big ol' scab. If the blowouts bother you, see what your artist thinks will be the best idea. It's a really great piece, though! If I saw it in person, I can assure you that blowouts aren't what I'd be looking at :p
  13. The "weeping" moisture in your tattoo is very good for it! Blood Plasma Functions | LIVESTRONG.COM
  14. @deadsp0t I think I'm not articulating my point well enough. I think that tattooing is exactly the same as any other trade or craft. I think that it's messed up for anyone to try to side-step hard work for the sake of a fast profit. I also think that a veteran craftsman is going to have the greatest wealth of knowledge on how to run a business in their craft, much like your mother. Even though she has not painted in over 20 years, she has invested a significant portion of her life into her work, and I can only assume that she approaches her job with authenticity and care.
  15. I completely agree! I'm sure all of us have met or worked with some pretty kickass shop helpers/managers, and they do a lot of work! I see that work as a contribution to tattooing, though. I don't think that there is no place in the tattoo shop for people who don't tattoo, I just don't think it's really right for someone who doesn't tattoo to own a shop. Although at the end of the day, there is no absolute way to do anything. Life is variable, but I feel that these generalizations are mostly applicable.
  16. Just to ammend: when I say 'making money' I mostly mean capitalizing, which I feel is very different from putting hard effort toward something and reaping its benefits.
  17. @TigerBlue77 The sleeve looks rad, congrats on finishing it! I know it's really hard to take pictures of your own tattoos, but if I may suggest leaving the filters and effects for instagram, we'd be able to see the actual artistry in your tattoos much better. Looks awesome though, how long did it take from start to finish? @JonNimrod How do you know? ;)
  18. Oh wow, the artistry in the last one is pretty phenomenal. Gorgeous! here are some Japanese skins:
  19. FUZI is a great example of popular bad tattoos. I think I wouldn't hate that guy so much if he didn't charge up the ass and put his name in his pieces. I mean, fucking seriously? Way to claim ownership of someone's body who you'll probably never see again. Glad that they could be such a solid stepping stone, bro.
  20. @BoMcConaghie Well said, man. @deadsp0t Yeah, I mean every situation is going to be different. I'm not going to be at my current shop forever, or likely within the next few years. As for my coworker, that's something he's gotta figure out for himself. Everyone needs to know where they stand as far as how they value their time and skills, but there ain't much I can do about his position. But yeah, moral of the story: people who don't tattoo shouldn't be making money off of tattooing.
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