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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. No, sorry if I was confusing. I mostly meant that you shouldn't go into a shop expecting to have the exact design you drew as the final tattoo drawing. Like... if the illustration is to show the tattooer the design elements you want to add, I think that's great. It is not uncommon for people to come into a shop wanting their exact drawing tattooed, when it may need adjustments to be tattooable. So I think you'll be fine. And keep up the drawing! :)
  2. Honestly, this is what's gonna happen if you take that drawing into a shop: they're gonna look at your drawing, hand it back to you, grab the exact same line drawing from the back, and slap it on you. Amund Dietzel is a highly-regarded old timer and an influence to many tattooers working today. I'm gonna go on a limb and say you probably got that design from These Old Blue Arms? The original design exists, it's great as it is, and it works. Which isn't to discourage you from drawing and painting flash if you enjoy doing so, cause it's a lot of fun! Just like.. let the tattooer design your pieces. Everyone I know who has gotten their own drawings on them (including myself) regrets it. And that's not necessarily because the drawing is bad but because it's so personal, you are likely to grow out of it. As practicing artists, skills evolve.
  3. I am still waiting for a confirmation email from him, so it's not completely set in stone, but I am still fucking excited! I'm going to have him do a little psychedelic cobra with a skull face. I'm moving at the end of the year, so sadly I cannot afford anything too big. It'll be going on my inner forearm, about 6'x3'. STOKED
  4. Welcome! Your work is awesome, love the Cholo Fink.
  5. I just sent in a deposit to Deno for the SFO convention !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:o:D:cool::cool::D:p:rolleyes:
  6. @irezumi You rule for uploading and sharing those! Great article, and my 'tattoo history' folder thanks you for feeding it :)
  7. Well that was amusing! And a really terrible trailer for Assassin's Creed as far as trailers go.
  8. Eilin, I am straight up JEALOUS of your collection. Hnnngh
  9. So crazy! Just this last week, the air has shifted to fall over here. It's really warm and blustery. The US really has every kind of terrain and weather.
  10. Man, what have I been up to lately... I feel like I never have much to contribute to this thread because most of my life involves tattooing and making art. I went down for a dental consultation and got to visit California Electric Tattoo Parlor in Soquel, that was a cool experience. So much beautiful flash in that shop! I just got a new batch of business cards, designed a tshirt for our shop, and am finishing up a painting that I will be mailing off soon. I went to see a band on Monday that I've been an avid fan of for the last 6 years, that was really great. Oh and we just hired a new artist, I'm really stoked to have her around. We have a lot in common as far as interests, but our art looks pretty different so it's been motivating. And of course I got to meet several wonderful LSTers over dinner last month.
  11. Some things to think about: -tattooing a craft, blue collar work. Like a blacksmith, carpenter, etc -tattooing (almost always) involves two people -medical training is necessary on a fundamental level -tattooing is an extremely difficult and specialized thing to do These are aspects of the job that are not widely publicized nor very glamourous. Taking all of that into account, are you willing to compromise other people's health and self image because you are too impatient to do it the right way? And given the last point especially, it isn't something you do as a hobby. If you scratch at home, you always have a foot out the door. You can stop any time you like, nobody will be there to hold you accountable and make you want to get better. I'm not being condescending per se, just letting you know that the hard way is the only way and tattooing is por vida.
  12. Thank you, @hogg, you are too kind :) also @youthcrewalex, that crab looks rad! It's great to see color paintings and also frustrating that you're equally good with color as b&g.
  13. @youthcrewalex I will probably be making prints, I can keep you posted! and then here is something I designed for our shop's shirts, also working on a painting of it
  14. Man, I really wish I could go to this. Western sexuality has been so perverted, it would be nice to see an exhibition that honors the freedom in human sexuality without shame.
  15. Finished this last week, already posted it on instagram, but you can't really see the whole thing. Lots of fun. I do love reapers.
  16. Man, that is gnarly. Thanks for posting. I think I'd rather have the busted tattoo.
  17. @steve1461686340 Thank you again for hosting the night! Can I see the rest of the pictures perhaps? Kinda regretting making a stupid face. D'oh
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