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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. Well... yeah, it is and it isn't. It is just painting, but it's also your menu and it's has a specialized process. Especially if you sell prints of your flash in addition to tattooing it, that's a process that puts food on your table. Something tells me you don't tattoo though. Which is not to be condescending, but I would really appreciate someone's perspective who has solid years of experience to back up their view on this.
  2. This is must my .02, which you are free to disregard because I am not your tattooer. But! This is what I think would look great and compromise with your pull-up regimen. Blast out your ribs. There is a lot of really great space there for the kind of larger vertical design you have in mind. Or you could move the whole design more toward your stomach and have the tiger on one side and the horse on the other coming at each other toward the center. And while any exercise is going to affect a healing tattoo, at least it won't be in an area that gets immediate movement.
  3. I must say that Paul is my favorite Bosch-surnamed tattooer, although he does very different work from what you have. Also, why don't you make a thread in the initiation forum to properly introduce yourself and tell us about your tattoo journey?
  4. @ironchef Sooooooooooo... I hate you. With love, of course :) No but really, that is incredibly badass and you are a warrior for sitting 6 hours on the ass/thighs. Much respect.
  5. I like the shape of the birdcage, that is a refreshing departure from the usual
  6. Oh and it's confirmed, I'll be at Deno's booth on Friday at 7pm. I'm planning on attending most of the convention, definitely Friday and Saturday at the least. Stoked to meet new faces and see familiar ones!
  7. I actually have no idea. It seems like a grey area because on one hand, painting is painting and art is for everyone. At the same time, painting flash as a means to advertise your designs, make prints, etc., is part of the business side of tattooing. Would love to know a more experienced person's take on it.
  8. I completely agree. I don't even care who reads this, I think that dude is a talking dickhead. Like obviously both Oliver and Chris are well-versed and talented tattooers, but I think the crucial difference between the two is that Oliver is pretty comfortable in his position, whereas I feel that Chris is always kind of pushing it in your face and the finale was a fantastic example of that.
  9. Oooohh, this is great. Don't see too many brown snakes!
  10. I am mildly confused, does painting flash not fall into trade secret turf?
  11. Welcome! Super stoked to see more tattooers signing up. Hope you enjoy it!
  12. If it's not too personal, may I ask why 6:55?
  13. @Johannes Ooh, if you have time, I'd love a list of your favorite classic kung fu movies! Sadly, I haven't seen more than snippets of the older ones. @Pleadco I truly think Jackie Chan is an excellent martial artist and actor, kind of a bummer that it gets overshadowed by a lot of the goofiness and slapstick in his movies. I also really like Jet Li, I'm told Hero is one of his best in a while. @HaydenRose oh the pirate's life :cool: the sacrifices one makes on their kung fu (movie) journey... Did he like it? Maybe this is just from American cinema, but I feel like if a sequel is good, your luck is hard-pressed for the third one to be good. @Graeme wasn't it amazing!!! The end fight was ***FUCKING EPIC***
  14. I dunno if you guys love kung fu movies, but I certainly do! Just watched Ip Man and Ip Man 2. Donnie Yen is a badass, they're based on the life of the Wing Chun master who taught Bruce Lee, and they make you feel all the feels from tears to jumping out of your chair and cheering. Both are on Netflix. Enjoy :)
  15. Super down to hang out with all of you! I'll be wearing an LST shirt like a nerd :cool:
  16. Haha, that rules. Well that's good then, it's so hard to tell what people mean when things like that are said and you can't tell the person's intonation.
  17. I love to also give people books. Good reference is such a helpful resource.
  18. Just curious, does that stand for Huge Mother Fucker In Charge? I hope so, haha. Also, what a dickhead.
  19. Welcome! What are your favorite kinds of tattoos to make?
  20. Hey can I see a picture of the girl on the devil face, if it's no trouble? One of my favorite older designs, I always love to see different takes on it.
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