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Everything posted by cltattooing

  1. It might!! Green soap is herbal, so I'm sure some of the oils would get absorbed
  2. @daveborjes damn...... bummer
  3. Just want to throw out there that these smell nothing like green soap... was super disappointed when I actually smelled one.
  4. Go to the Asian Art Museum!!! A must see! Go have sushi at Isobune in the Japan center, and go drink like 5 fresh-squeezed grayhounds at Cafe Van Kleef in Oakland. The botanical gardens in golden gate park are free, and quite gorgeous. The California Academy of Sciences is one of my favorite places in San Francisco, definitely worth spending half a day over there. And if you do go to Oakland, go visit Temple Tattoo, walk around Lake Merritt (super beautiful and romantic and stuff), and end your night at Van Kleef's. Also in Oakland are Tattoo 13 and FTW, and if you can make it half a mile north from FTW, George Campise's shop Warhorse Tattoo is definitely worth a visit. The Mission has the best tacos and dive bars in the city, along with the best street art. Haight is also worth a visit, and if you're down there, you might as well pop into Idle Hand. Hope that helps!
  5. I don't know what is kosher in this instance, but you could always have him sign it differently from the traditional bonji tag?
  6. I am very much tempted to send him an email to fish for info on one of these parties and just send it to the health department... But alas, this pisses me off quite a lot because there are artists whose work I really admire who have worked at East River Tattoo, and that is just such a fucking bummer. I guess at the same time, you can't attribute one person's dumbassery to their coworkers. Mostly, this just makes me really sad.
  7. Tattoo shops smell like the best smells in the entire world. Aaahhh, I miss the shop!
  8. Wow, how cool. Thank you so much for sharing! Welcome to LST :)
  9. Also, I have heard some pretty scary/funny stories from tattooer friends who have visited Yokohama about getting drugged and mugged by Yakuza, hahaha. I take it that doesn't happen so much if you speak the language?
  10. Yeah... I suppose there is some attraction to jumping into completely unknown and unreliable circumstances, just to see what happens, just to see if something good might come of it.
  11. Welcome! Sounds like you have good taste! I would love to get some work by Monga... agggghhh. I have a piece from Deno and Rempe, would love to get tattooed by Mark Cross as well. Can we see your Rempe piece too?
  12. The spirit of adventure calls, eh? :) - - - Updated - - - Oh my god, yes! haha! would you like me to go into all of the reasons why I think this is a terrible idea?
  13. Larvae, local doom from Oakland. Fucking incredible live, go see them if you have a chance. Necrot, another excellent local thrash metal band. Equally great live.
  14. May I ask why you would go? I am opposed to this entire motion, so I'd be interested to hear the viewpoint of someone who would consider such a venture. Not trying to argue or debate, just curious as to why you would go!
  15. That promo video got me emotional, not gonna lie...
  16. @Reyeslv Aahhh you just had to enter your mind-bogglingly awesome gigantic backpiece, didn't you? Curses!!! Hahaha, just kidding. Good luck, you're probably gonna sweep this month.
  17. Alright... here goes nothin. Pharoah's Horses tattooed by me, finished in October.
  18. Read more here: A one-way ticket to Mars, apply now - CNN.com Mission to colonise Mars: 'Columbus didn't wait; nor should we' | Science | theguardian.com A one-way ticket too tempting to ignore: 165,000 apply for mission to colonise Mars - despite no chance of them ever returning to Earth - Science - News - The Independent So! There's that. Anyone interested in signing your life away to be a privately owned guinea pig living on Mars? :P edit: also, fuck Colombus. That's all :cool:
  19. Oh, totally. Sometimes with larger work I like to do that little view finder thing with your hands, and just look at part of the suit or sleeve or pants as its' own tattoo. How the placement and movement interact with that specific area. And yep, Filip's are on point throughout. Oh and I guess the limited palette really helps too. There are really only 3 colors in that whole suit.
  20. Tattoos fade because your cells divide and regenerate as you age. Pigment is encapsulated in scar tissue, which also divides and regenerates with age. Thus spreading out the pigment over time.
  21. Damn... That thing blows me away. I mean everyone knows that Filip Leu is a genius, but I am just astonished at how readable that is with the amount of color and the subtlety of the black. I mean that thing is busy as fuck and you can still tell exactly what is going on in any given point of the suit. Like... damn!!!!
  22. Yokoso!! Can we see some of the tattoos you have or hear about some of your tattoo experiences in/around Yokohama? I am super jealous, Japan is definitely a pilgrimage I need to make within my lifetime.
  23. Hi, welcome! Do you have plans for future tattoos? I think the best way to know if you want to tattoo or not is to get a whole metric fuckton of tattoos. And honestly, there are too many tattooers right now and not enough money flowing around to make it worth it unless you are just a jaw droppingly badass artist. Which is fine! Glad you at least have good taste in tattooers. Hope you find the forum welcoming and helpful :) (also, sign painting is not particularly cool or glamorous right now, but it is a great trade and a lucrative way to make art for a living)
  24. Hey, welcome! How long have you been tattooing? Can we see some more of your work? What styles do you prefer? Funniest client ever?
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