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Everything posted by youthcrewalex

  1. Painted this gorilla recently! Mike Wilsons tattooing one on my neck in 2 weeks! great thread!
  2. yeah the first tattoo he did on me was star wars ! heres the stuff hes finished on me so far: and this s the best picture i could find of my front.. ive had the other side of my ribs done and a bunch more work since then hes started a native american girl on my arm thats getting finished soon :P
  3. embarrassingly a manga half sleeve that i had done before i was 18 haha! @Cork
  4. Jordan Baxter from Hope & Glory suffolk UK did this monday! blast over some laser removal
  5. If i had to. Adam Hays hes done my front, head a piece on my arm and is tattooing me again in september. hes a really nice guy a nerd and a amazing artist.
  6. Excited for this years convention i found these pictures of Adam Hays tattooing my head at the 2012 convention
  7. a_whiley for my personal account and my art account is nofireinmylungs
  8. @ItsNewport thanks! dreading most of them pain wise haha! Wheni booked with Chad it was a few months ago and he was ony doing bookings for pre existing work. he normally only dose walk ups at the convention tho!
  9. My buddy managed to book with Samueie Briganti sorry you couldn't get a slot! @ItsNewport my up coming list is as follows July 23rd Jordan Baxter, Hope & Glory, Suffolk, snake and dagger on forearm August 9th Mike Wilson, Inksmith & Rogers, FL, Gorilla and dagger on neck September 18th Chad Koeplinger, Frith street, London, more on my back September 20th Adam Hays, Black Garden, London, skull and chrysanthemum on my neck/head Maybe something at London convention if i have the money and probably more from Jordan after my tattoo from Mike
  10. Nice! My boss has been tattooed by him a bunch! Be sure to post pictures!!
  11. Thanks dude. I've got prints for sale in the for sale part of the forum :) @cltattooing
  12. So because people seem stoked on this painting ill be doing a PRE ORDER ONLY run of prints of this painting. They'll be on high quality paper and full size. £50 for collection In the UK (Stowmarket, Suffolk) £60 with UK postage and £66 with worldwide postage. PayPal payment AS GIFT to [email protected] With your address please Please reblog or spread the word Thankyou :)
  13. thats amazing! i decided that there may be other colours than black and grey on this painting haha
  14. it ruled so much! fell off and got really muddy! successful evening!
  15. going off road segwaying tomorrow... its awesome i swear
  16. booked in on the 8th and 23d to have more of the arm ive had lasered covered up! excited top look at that arm and like it again! with Jordan Baxter at hope and glory in Suffolk UK
  17. got this last night. Chris newport Hope and glory Suffolk UK
  18. Here i am looking like shit after Jordan Baxter from hope and glory blasted this rose over my elbow tonight! its a cover up and i love it!
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