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Petri Aspvik

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Posts posted by Petri Aspvik

  1. That was pretty interesting. Short, but informative. I am with Ursala on the hearing loss thing. The owner at the shop I work at runs some old swing gate machines, to which name I shall not reveal. And I have to walk to the other side of the shop because the noise they make turns my stomach. Seriously it makes me feel ill. Just imagine what it does to an ear drum.

    There are longer ones coming. Baxter and Ciferri did long as hell inserts.

  2. I've been working on for a article series for TAM about tattoo artist and how they maintaing their health for quite some time now. It was originally going for the mag as a huge article, but its going for the blog now. The first one is up. Marcus Kuhn

    Health Issues With Tattooing (Marcus Kuhn) « TAM Blog

    More to come!

    ps. They asked for a profile pic, that was the only one I had around :D

  3. T NATION | Reg Park's 5x5 Program

    As Park explained it, 5x5 includes two progressively heavier warm-up sets and three sets at the same weight. He suggested increasing weights at approximately the same interval, for example:

    Back squat: first set 135x5, second set 185x5, followed by three sets of 225x5.

    When you can complete the last 3x5 at a given weight, increase the weight on all five sets 5-10 pounds. Also, he was strongly against training to failure, saying that it encouraged a negative mindset when attempting other heavy, near-maximal lifts.

    You are, however, allowed to test for one-rep max at the end of each phase. Park recommends two warm-up sets (1x5 and 1x3), followed by three progressively heavier attempts at a one-rep max. So the max testing day would be: 1x5, 1x3, and 3x1 (for each lift). Take the next four days off from the gym, and then begin the next phase of training.

  4. Anyone ever train with the Reg Park programs?

    The Real Arnold Schwarzenegger Beginner Programs

    I was thinking of trying (somewhat) after I finish this cycle, this one. Or with the same %

    Reg Park and 5x5

    5x90 (Warm-up @ 60%)

    5x120 (Warm-up @ 80%)

    5x150 (3 stabilizer sets)



    When you can get all your reps of 5 at 150 lbs, you add 5 lbs. So next time your bench it would be:






    Reg liked to use about 3-5 minutes to rest in between sets.

    I was thinking of trying for the fuck of it this one (minus the bench) but it might be just too HC

    Reg Park's Three Phase 5x5 Program

    Phase One

    45-degree back extension 3x10

    Back squat 5x5

    Bench press 5x5

    Deadlift 5x5

    Rest 3-5 minutes between the last 3 sets of each exercise.

    Maybe not optimal way to traing, but...

  5. Yeah. And I find it to be mentally better. Im my moms care taker and spent daily, give or take 18-20 hours with her. Still, the weekly (if it isnt rest week, which I also welcome as a part of training) deadlift etc. session is something that I cant wait. It gives me mental strenght by just imagining it. Go in, warm up, lift and leave. If I was doing 8-12 machines I would kill myself :D

  6. Speaking of trust and gaining

    T NATION | Effective Training for Busy Men

    Training is one of our priorities – you wouldn't be reading T Nation or this article if you were just a weekend warrior or into "fitness." You're into training, and training is not "exercise."

    In Starting Strength, Mark Rippetoe defines training as a "physical activity done with a longer-term goal in mind, the constituent workouts of which are specifically designed to achieve that goal." We aren't "exercisers" or "fitness hipsters." Our training each day has purpose and meaning towards a bigger and more defined picture.

    We don't randomly select things and strive "for a good sweat" or try to fit square exercises into round goals. We train. And those who train and are getting a bit older have a myriad of responsibilities. We have to prioritize our training around much of our life so that we can achieve those long-term training goals.

    Life doesn't just throw us curveballs – it throws Niekro-scuffed knuckleballs with a bit of Gaylord Perry lube, and we all know where those are going to land. But if you plan your training accordingly, those incidents won't harm your training goals or your life outside the gym.

    That's the key – the balance between maintaining a cutthroat attitude towards your training goals and your life. You plan. You execute.

  7. Yeah, legends. I love this quote

    In the end, routines won’t win. Philosophies and methodologies will. Over time if you don’t develop one for yourself, you will flop about searching for the “next great routine” that will get you over that proverbial training hump you have been stuck at. When it doesn’t, you’ll say the routine was shit, or that you “need to focus on weak points” and such shit. When all along, it’s been your inability to stick with what works and impatience that keeps you stuck in a training sludge. In the meantime, I’ll maintain my status as fucking idiot and slowly get better.

    But in order to do so, you have to TRUST. Like obviously mister Carter has trusted the road paved by the likes of Coan. They did shit that works, so why not do it yourself! I guess it is the modern eras folly, wich I myself have been quilty off. Everyone wants to find the "perfect" program and they have to either

    a.) Find the so called best program at that moment. And when you look at modern training mags, they lack the so called best i.e simple and proven stuff. And they do it for two weeks and switch = gain nothing

    or b.) They have to follow the "best ideology" and make a training program themself, which in 99% of the time is shit.

    So it is about trust. The guys who came before me knew what worked. So ego should be put aside and trust in the simple and effective no bells and whistles programs, and gain by doing so. It is not a race about who has the coolest shit. Its about doing. Its about TRUST.

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