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  1. It gets worse; I googled 'creepy miley cyrus guy tattoo' and found the following. It's enough to seriously, seriously creep me out.
  2. I'm going to laugh about this all day today. That's hysterical. Ninjas. Bahahahaha!
  3. Emo + Metro + Hobo = Hipster. Take a bunch of trust fund money, add vintage clothes (to look nearly homeless) + high end accessories (so other hispsters know you are not actually a scary homeless person)+ Mac products, a few thoroughly unoriginal tattoos, throw on some trendy pseudo-folk music, and you have a newly minted hipster ready for funemployment.
  4. I took it down. I guess it wasn't that bad, considering the others.
  5. I really, really hope this is a good tattoo of his 5 year old's crayon artwork. Because if this is a someone trying to make a serious original piece, it's probably one of the worst tattoos in history. I laughed at 'butterfly butt" earlier in the thread. It's wrong, I know, but just had to laugh. - - - Updated - - - I have a few I've saved...sorry if you've seen these before. Warning; high cringe factor.
  6. I'm usually good for 4-6 hours. The hardest was three days back to back, on my left arm. Last year, I moved from Chicago to the west coast, and the move happened as I was finishing a steampunk sleeve project with Larry Brogan; we needed three or four more sessions. He had a guest spot coming up in Grants Pass at Jeff Gogue's place (Off The Map Tattoo) so I booked three of the days. I figured it was a lot easier than flying to Chicago three times. The first day was fine. We did 6 hours. The second day was fairly rough, very tender. I felt everything. We did 5 hours, then went for pizza and beer. The third day, totally brutal; my arm had serious swelling (looked like edema). It was painful from the first jab to the last. Larry really did his best and was concerned, but I insisted. From a pain point of view, it was brutal. In the end, it healed perfectly and there were no issues. Pain is temporary, awesome tattoos are forever. I attached a pic of the upper part of the sleeve. Won't do that again!!
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