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Posts posted by Heck54

  1. so, I had my appointment today and I have to admit that the tattoo studio was impressive. 5 floors, a lot of employees, very nice environment it really really looks good.

    so firstly I met a guy who does the "first meetings" for discussing. I explained him that I want to cover my mark with some tribal-like black'n'grey. After watching at some pictures he understood what kind of tattoo I like and we went to the specific artist who does the style I like (he's a guest artist from england named "Rod Medina"). He told me that he's able to cover the mark with a black'n'grey tattoo of his style.

    I will have another appointment in May for defining the exact tattoo and for inking. I'm very excited :)

  2. thanks for the answers guys :)

    I'm from Switzerland and not from Germany :)

    get yourself the Tattootime book

    What's that?

    Don't try to figure out how you will cover your marks yourself, that is why you are going to a professional - you'll have to "let go" a little for best results.

    I have an appointment next week here: Tattoo - Giahi - EN

    thanks for the tips Graeme I'll take a look at them

  3. In my opinion, that large area could be used for something amazing, instead of some random black swishes and lines. There are so many amazing chest piece options.

    The problem is that I don't like any kind of specific motifs like animals, heads, or any particular objects. I really prefer pattern or random symbols. Also I'd prefer using black than other colours. (But i think that finally to cover my mark i need colours anyway).

    Keep in mind that you can do tribal or some type of design and it doesn't have to cover the spots exactly to be effective at masking or distracting from the areas that bother you.

    Yep I heard of that thing but I'd prefer to cover the whole mark

  4. thanks for the answer :)

    You're right I really did a lot of research. For me it's a really important case and I don't care how much time and money it costs ;)

    here is a picture of the mark and the scars picture

    Actually I don't like the usual tribal tattoos I see on the internet because I don't like the hard contrast between darkblack and skin colour. But I really like the shape of these tattoos especially if its kind of black'n'grey with shadows (2 pictures in my first post).

    That's why I think that it should be possible to hide the scars with a black'n'grey tribal. But for the mark I have no idea. It should be 1 big tattoo covering scars AND mark ---> so I need something that covers the mark and a transition to the tribal that's covering the scars ( It's kind of difficult to explain but I hope you understand me :D )

  5. Hey guys, I need some help/inspiration for my first tattoo :) Please excuse my poor english my native language is german ;)

    I've planned to get my first Tattoo. The reason why I want a Tattoo is a bit different compared with other people I guess. I'm actually not the kind of person who's getting tattoos even I really like them (not all sort of tattoos ofc). The reason why I want to get a Tattoo is to cover a ugly-looking but harmless spot/mark (5*10cm) on my chest and some small scars. Some people might tell me now that this is a wrong motivation for getting a tattoo and I do agree with them partly but not completly. I had been thinking about this for 2 years and I came to the decision that I prefer getting a goodlooking tattoo instead of having a terrible-looking chest. So the decision that I want this tattoo is 100% considered and definitly

    I've already chosen the place where I'd like to get my tattoo: www.giahi.ch/tattoo-239.html

    But before I go there I want to prepare myself (having an idea what I want) and I hope that you can help me

    www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/f7fe48-1361474964.jpg This is a picture of the chest. The black part is the part where I'd like to have the tattoo (not exact, just roughly ofcourse). The Red area is the mark/spot. The blue points are the scars.

    I've been looking through thousands tattoo websites for 2 weeks and I came to the decision that I like most the Tribal ones, especially the black and grey tribals (I dont know If you can name them this way).

    For example: www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/596021-1361475206.jpg or www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/c76080-1361475392.jpg

    In my case, the most important thing is that my mark and my scars get covered. I think with a Tattoo as showed in the last 2 pictures it would be easy to cover small scars. The problem is, that it won't cover the big mark/spot. I assume that for the mark/spot I need dark and strong colour.

    So my idea is actually that the Tattoo should be kind of splitted in 2 parts (with a transition ofcourse). The upper part should be something as showed in the pictures and the bottom part should be the same style but covering the mark/spot (maybe a tribal with a background? I have no idea ). Actually I'd like to use only black colour but I assume that this won't work to cover my mark.

    Do you have any idea for me to master this? I'm a really not creative person and I'd really like to get some inputs from creative people :)

  6. thx for the friendly answers, I see that this is a very active forum :) I like it

    Ok, so I post my main question in this thread:

    As I mentioned I've planned to get my first Tattoo. The reason why I want a Tattoo is a bit different compared with other people I guess. I'm actually not the kind of person whos getting tattoos even I really like them (not all sort of tattoos ofc). The reason why I want to get a Tattoo is to cover a ugly-looking but harmless spot/mark (5*10cm) on my chest and some small scars. Some people might tell me now that this is a wrong motivation for getting a tattoo and I do agree with them partly but not completly. I had been thinking about this for 2 years and I came to the decision that I prefer getting a goodlooking tattoo instead of having a terrible-looking chest. So the decision that I want this tattoo is 100% considered and definitly ;)

    I've already chosen the place where I'd like to get my tattoo: www,giahi.ch/tattoo-239.html

    But before I go there I want to prepare myself (having an idea what I want) and I hope that you can help me ;)

    www,bilder-upload.eu/upload/f7fe48-1361474964.jpg This is a picture of the chest. The black part is the part where I'd like to have the tattoo (not exact, just roughly ofcourse). The Red area is the mark/spot. The blue points are the scars.

    I've been looking through thousands tattoo websites for 2 weeks and I came to the decision that I like most the Tribal ones, especially the black and grey tribals (I dont know If you can name them this way).

    For example: www,bilder-upload.eu/upload/596021-1361475206.jpg or www,bilder-upload.eu/upload/c76080-1361475392.jpg

    In my case, the most important thing is that my mark and my scars get covered. I think with a Tattoo as showed in the last 2 pictures it would be easy to cover small scars. The problem is, that it wont cover the big mark/spot. I assume that for the mark/spot I need colour.

    So my idea is actually that the Tattoo should be kind of splitted in 2 parts (with a transition ofcourse). The upper part should be something as showed in the pictures and the bottom part should be the same style but covering the mark/spot (maybe a tribal with a background? I have no idea :) ).

    Do you have any idea for me to master this? I'm a really not creative person and I'd really like to get some inputs from creative people :)

  7. thx for the friendly answers, I see that this is a very active forum :) I like it

    I'm sorry for all grammar mistakes (english isn't my native language :p )

    Ok, so I post my main question in this thread:

    As I mentioned I've planned to get my first Tattoo. The reason why I want a Tattoo is a bit different compared with other people I guess. I'm actually not the kind of person whos getting tattoos even I really like them (not all sort of tattoos ofc). The reason why I want to get a Tattoo is to cover a ugly-looking but harmless spot/mark (5*10cm) on my chest and some small scars. Some people might tell me now that this is a wrong motivation for getting a tattoo and I do agree with them partly but not completly. I had been thinking about this for 2 years and I came to the decision that I prefer getting a goodlooking tattoo instead of having a terrible chest. So the decision that I want this tattoo is 100% considered and definitly ;)

    I've already chosen the place where I'd like to get my tattoo: Tattoo - Giahi - EN

    But before I go there I want to prepare myself (having an idea what I want) and I hope that you can help me ;)

    http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/f7fe48-1361474964.jpg This is a picture of the chest. The black part is the part where I'd like to have the tattoo (not exact, just roughly ofcourse). The Red area is the mark/spot. The blue points are the scars.

    I've been looking through thousands of tattoo websites for 2 weeks and I came to the decision that I like most the Tribal ones, especially the black and grey tribals (I dont know If you can name them this way).

    For example: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/596021-1361475206.jpg or http://www.bilder-upload.eu/upload/c76080-1361475392.jpg

    In my case, the most important thing is that my mark and my scars get covered. I think with a Tattoo as showed in the last 2 pictures it would be easy to cover small scars. The problem is, that it wont cover the big mark/spot. I assume that for the mark/spot I need colour.

    So my idea is actually that the Tattoo should be kind of splitted in 2 parts (with a transition ofcourse). The upper part should be something as showed in the pictures and the bottom part should be the same style but covering the mark/spot (maybe a tribal with a background? I have no idea :) ).

    Do you have any idea for me to master this? I'm a really not creative person and I'd really like to get some inputs from creative people :) Thank you very much

  8. hm doesn't really look like a thread where I can post questions.

    The 10 Post limit to post a thread is a little bit annoying :)

    Due to the fact that I'm new to Tattoos there is no conversation I can take part to raise my postcount. And I don't want to post 10 senseless posts in the offtopic section ;) In my opinion the forum should have pinned "general-questions" threads for newbies (I can't find one)

    I'm looking for ideas for a Tribal/blackngrey Tattoo ( in other words: Tribal with Shadows) placed on my chest to cover a mark/spot. But as long as I can't create a thread, it's impossible for me to ask :)

  9. Hey everyone. I found this forum on google and it looks interesting.

    I'm from switzerland and about to get my first tattoo. I joined this forum because I hope to find some ideas for a design/motive for my first tattoo.

    Is there a thread where I can ask for motive-suggestions? :)

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