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Mark Bee

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Everything posted by Mark Bee

  1. @HaydenRose My wife and I are all over Black Flag. It's the best of the series, I think. We are currently working toward getting our undead crew for the Jackdaw. I didn't think id enjoy the open seas as much as I do, but the sea battles are crazy fun. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Please let me know if there is already a thread and I've missed it. I searched the forums and didn't see anything, and I looked through each page. Its been a long day, so apologies in advance. Has anyone watched this show? Bad Ink - A&E I had not heard of it until I stumbled upon it in iTunes last night.
  3. I missed this somehow. That tattoo has it all. Totally killer. Congratulations @Shaun1105
  4. I agree. Hands make for excellent tattoos. I have a small tattoo of clasped hands on one wrist and a hand of glory on my leg. The hand of glory was done by Chad Koeplinger last summer.
  5. I think you are referring to Carl Zimmer's book from a couple of years ago. I was hoping for better tattoos in it too. Some were ok but I agree - most were not great.
  6. Nice work. I love that one with all the old movie monsters.
  7. I teach at university and college and I suspect I wouldn't have a new contract if I did my hands. Too bad - I'd love to do it.
  8. My wife and I invested in "tattoo sheets." They also come with us if we travel for tattoos.
  9. I had this eagle done by Tim Pausinger at The Pearl about a year ago.
  10. I've been worried about exactly this. I've put on a ton of weight in the last year. I am worried about getting my stomach tattooed because I'm concerned whatever I get will get stretched and distorted. And what happens to a stomach tattoo when you lose weight?
  11. Welcome @Abe Froman You've found a great community here. I'm sure you'll get some excellent feedback. There is a good thread around here about what makes a good tattoo: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/2396-what-makes-good-tattoo.html Have a read through that , if you like. I'm not a tattooer, so I am not the right person to offer much advice outside what I have personally experienced. I think you might want to consider avoiding tattoos without outlines. Perhaps someone else here can explain better than me, but I don't think they hold up as well over time. You needn't have massively thick outlines, but I think some is better than none. It sounds like you have done almost everything except get the tattoos! Good luck - getting tattooed is an amazing journey.
  12. Tim at The Pearl finished my left shoulder on Wednesday. My chest piece is now fully connected. There is just a little spider-webbing left to do on my pecs and the chest, she is done. I'll post next week. So close...so close...
  13. Keep it dry and clean.
  14. Thanks, @guitguy. I'm really looking forward to getting it finished. As for finding out about guests, I find out usually from being in the shop and talking to people. I don't think they regularly post about guests on their website. I don't think the shop has a twitter feed either.
  15. Just finished off my right shoulder. It's now linked with my chest piece. I'll post a pic next week, when I finish the other shoulder. As usual the work was done by Tim Pausinger at The Pearl. I'm also on the cancellation list for Mark Cross who is guesting at The Pearl in a week or so. His schedule filled up fast! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Congratulations, @Reyeslv. What a brilliant tattoo.
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