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Everything posted by Leighroy

  1. Hi Dari, I appreciate your thoughts, the reaction was extreme given that I had spoken about it , shown her sketches of ideas and expressed my excitement, also I have bigger tattoos and all them when she met me bar the new one from NY, she even has a small tattoo herself and I hadn't considered it may be linked to some other phobia or such like, thank you. - - - Updated - - - No it wasn't a surprise, I had talked about it over the 7 or 8 months ahead of our trip, I even had drawn the idea of the tattoo at scale and held it up to my arm to show her, I had told her many times of being tattooed on my first trip to NY and I just think she didn't think I was serious about it perhaps? I have larger tattoos and they where there when we met, she even has a small tattoo herself it was a strange and very uncomfortable reaction.
  2. Nice colour palette 'D' super soft I really like it
  3. Hi Delicious, I think I favor the colour piece personally and this will probably be the way I go, do you have a picture of yours? how long have you had it? I think I was probably around 19 when I first decided I wanted to tattoo Ganesh - - - Updated - - - Sweet Johannes, I cant wait, do you have a Ganesh too or just a admire Corbins work? - - - Updated - - - Excellent thank Graeme, ill check those out, saw Virgina Ellwood on Gypsy Gentlemen recently - love her vibe seems like such a balanced artist. Robert Ryan I haven't checked out before but will for sure now.
  4. I'm planning my 7the piece, I hope to have Fred Corbin adorn my left leg with a Ganesh I have wanted for years, I'm deliberating black and grey with red to highlight elements or just go all out super colourful in the tradition of India art, as I've yet to start the first appointment I haven't discussed with artist, I haven't seen many good Ganesh pieces around and certainly not one by Fred so I really hope he's has up for doing it as my want for him to carry it out - he's in my home town march this year and ice requested he fit me so we will see.
  5. Watching this made me a little sad, I was imaging how empowered and strong the patient was feeling during the days it was applied, he artists dedication to do his best and the whole process that goes into a big piece, the relationship the decision the finished artwork adorning the body and the want to walk proud with the dragon on display - what terrible experience took place to want to remove it and replace it with a scar that will take time to vanish? Poor patient I say.
  6. Hi, I have a similar problem and I really appreciated reading all of the advise and comments here, mostly reinforcing what was in my heart and mind, that said I would welcome any new feedback as I respect the opinions of this community, I'm 35 and my first tattoo was as young as 16, I'm nowhere near covered in ink but I also have no desire to stop, I'm planning on a large leg piece - so far no issue, last June I was tattooed on my arm in NYC which I had planned to do all my life, my wife's reaction however I could not have planned, she shook and cried uncontrollably! I knew she doesn't really hold a love of the art form as I do but man this was extreme, I've tried to tell her about my leg but she simply just changes the subject or outright ignores me - the rest of life together is heaven and I wouldn't change it for anything but I guess what I'm asking is - how do you live with someone who doesn't respect your interest enough to try and understand?
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