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Posts posted by Jessica08

  1. I've seen plenty online, but my original one was bad. The lines were uneven. One side of the cross was thicker than the other side and some lines thinner than the others. This was only an outline no filling in or anything. Just a horrible tattooer even though he did one on my brother and it turned out good. I didn't do my research. It was a spur of the moment type deals. Still kicking myself over that. Hopefully my coverup will heal to where you cannot see the old underneath.

  2. Thanks... My tattoo is very fresh, VERY black, and its covering up lines on an old tattoo....so i am expecting a LONG haul. Probably wont be until two years down the road till we know whether it can be completely removed or not *sigh*

    I'll pray for good results. If you go to an experienced person or a good laser center then you should be good to go. I saw a lot of good results when I was researching around a few years ago. Please keep us updated on the progress.

  3. Oh I agree. I didn't think anything of it until I got home. I was nervous about getting a tattoo not the fact she didn't open up the packages in front of me. I'm sure there is a lot of things involved in getting the needles, etc. ready so I can see why some go ahead and do that. I'm just curious what the norm is. All the behind the scenes work of tattooing intrigues me.

    BTW that MJ tattoo I saw in your gallery is sweet. :)

  4. Are tattooers required to open sterile packages in front of their customers? I know most do, but is it a problem if they don't? I realized after I got my tattoo the other day that the lady didn't. Everything was set up before she called me back. I was nervous beforehand that I didn't even think anything of it or even to ask. This shop is clean, and both me and my brother have used them, but I was just curious. I would prefer that she did, but again I was too nervous to think about it.

  5. Hey Jessica!

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I too am about to delve into the long painful process of laser removal and I hope beyond hope that I will be a success story. That being said your tattoo looks great! Try to to worry over it too much, remember we are our own worst critics...

    Thank you! I love the new design just not the being able to see the old tattoo. It feels a little crusty and tight right now since it has only been two days. I think once it heals good I will be more happy with it.

    Good luck with your laser session. We don't have many places around here that does laser removal so I just went to the only one I could find close. Big mistake. I don't think the lady knows what she is doing. Each session took over 20 minutes. She would go over the tattoo like three or four times in one sitting. I'm pretty sure now after researching this isn't how it's done. Just a bad decision on my part which led to a little scarring. Ironically my local tattoo parlor offers laser removal. If only I would have been more patient. Haha.

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    lol...so true, bunch o' enablers around here...not that i'm complaining! :)

    It's funny. After both of these tattoos I was thinking about what next one to get. Haha. I never went through with it the first go around so we will see what happens this time around. :)

  6. I made a bad decision to get my small tattoo lasered. I went to two sessions, and then quit. I developed scar tissue in the shape of the small cross on my wrist. I decided to get it fixed which I finally did yesterday after 1 1/2-2 years from my last laser session. I even put Mederma on it to flatten it out a little. I did this for 4 months or so. You can still see the outline of the other cross in the middle of the bigger cross. I'm praying that after it heals, it won't be as noticeable. If only I could go back in time and just get it redone instead of trying to remove it...

  7. Like everyone said, if you are having any type of skin/healing problem, you need to wait until it is 100% healed. I'm sure you didn't make anything worse. Just wait until that thing is fully healed and then evaluate whether or not you are unhappy with it or still think it looks odd. In my experience, when something gets covered up, the tattoo that got covered stays raised for a bit.

    BTW...I really like your dog mousepad!

    Thank you for the help. This will be my last tattoo so I want it to look the best it can. I wish I could go back in time and never have got the laser, and then I wouldn't be having this problem.

    Thank you also for the comment about my doggy mousepad. I am a huge animal lover. :)

  8. It's not really important because all the could have would have stuff doesn't matter at this point and its not my place to second guess someone else's work. First keep in mind you are always going to be the most critical of your tattoo, you are probably going to always see elements of the old tattoo no matter how well it's covered. I guess the only thing i can say is tattooing over scar tissues becomes easier, the longer you wait, I think it might have been a little too soon to go over this area, again just a theory. Again it could heal fine and no big deal, but if it doesn't I wouldn't go back in and have people keep blasting over it, I would wait awhile (1 year+) till the area is free of trauma and completely settled and see if that black needs to be reworked.

    But again someone evaluating this in person is going to be able to give the best advice.

    Thank you. It had been a year and a half or maybe even two years since the last laser treatment on the old tattoo so I figured the scar tissue was ready to go or whatever. Man, I wish I would have found this site before I did anything. I might just be making things worse.

  9. Wouldn't sweat it too much. Since you know it's there, yeah, it's the first thing you're gonna see, but it isn't all that noticeable. I'm a little puzzled as to why your tattooer apparently had difficultiy covering the scar tissue, unless they did and it's just the lighting in the pic highlighting the swelling. I have tattoos that are almost completely on scar tissue, and healed quite well. Also have cover-up work over old tattoos that were burned off and left some hella scarring, and that covered well.

    I would suggest letting it heal entirely, and if you can still see it to the point where it bothers you, go to another reputable tattooer and have them evaluate it.

    Thank you for the help. She didn't seem to have any problems tattooing over it, but it does look shiny in the light. Maybe that will go away. It is a little tender and swollen, and she did tell me that the scar tissue would be mad at me for messing with it. Ha.

    Is there anything that can be done to not make it as noticeable (after it heals of course).

    - - - Updated - - -

    First thing, I would wait a couple of weeks for it to heal. Regardless of what you do after that, you basically can't do anything till the tattoo is fully healed. Also it will give a chance for the tattoo to set into the skin and then you can better see what you are dealing with.

    I am going to be honest, it's hard to give advice about tattoos online, because a picture is not the same as putting your eye on things. I have my theories, but really this should be addressed by the tattooer who did this tattoo, or if you don't trust that person, a trusted tattooer in your area if the tattoo doesn't look better healed.

    Do you mind to share your theories? I don't know about tattooing so this is all new to me. I'm mad at myself for making the mistakes I did...

  10. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jessica, and I live in Alabama. I registered here to get some help if ya'll don't mind helping me. I made two or three bad decisions before I got my tattoo fixed yesterday. Here is the background.

    I got my first tattoo on my right wrist back in 2009 at a tattoo parlor in Florida. It was a small cross that measured approx. 1" x 1/2". Well the tattoo artist didn't do that great of a job so after about 8-9 months, I decided at that point in time that I wanted it removed. I went to two laser removal sessions, and it lightened it pretty well. For some reason I quit going. I then changed my mind and wanted just to get it fixed (which I should have done in the first place, but I made a bad decision not to). The two laser sessions created scar tissue even though it lightened it pretty well (it wasn't a dermatologist that did this. We don't have any around where I live that does laser removal). In September 2012, I went to a different tattoo parlor in Florida while on vacation, and the guy said he couldn't do it due to the scar tissue, and he told me to put Merderma on it to eat away at the scar tissue. I put that on there for 4 months which helped quite a bit. Well yesterday, I went to a local tattoo parlor where I live to get it covered up. The lady told me that the scar tissue would still be there and that I would still be able to feel it. She did a great job on it, but I noticed that I could still see the outline of the old tattoo. My question is this: after it heals will that be less noticeable or is just something I'm going to have to deal with? I totally didn't think to ask my tattoo artist before I left. I mean I know that that old tattoo is under there so maybe that is why I'm paranoid about it. Someone who doesn't may not even notice it.

    Thanks for the welcome and your help.

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