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    KYboy reacted to irezumi in Ever been called a tattoo snob?   
    I'm a pizza snob.
  2. Like
    KYboy reacted to hogg in Face tatty's like whoa   
    I saw a pic of her tattoo the other day. Honestly, it made me queasy. The whole thing is just so disturbing to me (and I'm a tattooed freak).
  3. Like
    KYboy reacted to Dan S in Face tatty's like whoa   
    I read the article before commenting, and the first thing that struck me was if they are so much "in love", maybe the hot ticket would be to wait, oh, I dunno, maybe three or four months before tattooing shit all over her face? I think the guy is lame, and would bet money he moves on right quick, now that he's made his mark, as it were.
    Just cause it's new and different doesn't mean it should be done.
    And FWIW, I was an 13 y.o. with a pierced (left) ear and tattoos in 1967, and an 18 y.o. with a pierced nipple and even more tattoos in 1972. Believe me, things were WAY different back then.
  4. Like
    KYboy reacted to Dan S in Cold Dogs   
    So, this definitely doesn't have anything to do with tattoos, but I thought y'all might get a kick out of it.
    This was Monday evening, around 18.30. The temp was like five degrees, an it was heading south to minus five Fahrenheit. Cold.
    We had just finished dinner, and my oldest boy and his daughter and dogs were leaving to go home. he let his dogs out, and stopped to fire-up my car so it could warm-up. When he turned his head to do that, the dogs made book.
    Now, the dogs. There are two, the older one is a dawg, maybe 75 pounds, short hair, curly tail, yellow looking thing, kinda resembles a dingo. He's a real nice dog, but has a screw loose about running away. When he puts his mind to it, he's fast as hell, and if he decides to go, you aren't going to catch him till he's ready to come home. The other one, the little fella, he's a boxer pup, maybe four months old and 35 pounds, skin n bones.
    Anyhow, the dogs took off, and by the time my son noticed, they were out in the field already. My place is on the middle of about 500 acres of corn, so it's pretty dark at night.
    We all got in separate cars and went out looking for them...no sightings, and really, no chance of coming across them except by sheer luck. All of our spotlights were burned-out, batteries cashed, and the cars weren't digging the temperature. My oldest had walked our road, about two miles, both ways a few times, and saw nothing. About 24.00 we packed it in, and hoping that at least the little guy might be holed-up in a barn somewhere, went home.
    06.00 Tuesday my oldest gets a call from a Lady, asks if he belongs to a couple of dogs. Yes he do. She was driving up from Illinois to go to work, and when she got to the state line, she noticed sommething odd in a deep ditch. Stopped, backed-up to it, and saw it was two dogs curled up together in the bottom of the ditch. Couldn't tell if they were dead or alive, but she went down and check on them. When she got close, the older guy got up an made unfriendly noises at her, but when the dogs saw the door to her truck was open and the motor running, they decided maybe it would be better to bite her AFTER they got warmed up.
    Sums it up. She delivered them to my son who had been busy trying to resign himself to them being dead...but was sure 'nuff glad they weren't. They spent the next day racked-out together in my office, the old fella is a bit TOO old for that kind of thing. Thought this was decent...

  5. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from kevinm in Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!   
    Ever since I was a little kid I had told my parents I was getting tattooed. My parents used to buy me temporary tats all the time and I loved them. Still I waited until I was 19 to get my first. My parents are really cool but... what Momma don't know won't hurt her. I decided not to tell them. I didn't live with them or anything so it was easy to hide. I got a few more small tats, then a chest piece, then a piece on my ribs. One year my parents took us all to the beach, and there wasn't any way in hell I wasn't going. I knew I had to tell them and just wussed out. So that first day on the beach I threw my shirt off and just waited. My sister starts crying, my Mom starts cussing me asking if they're real, and my pops just called me a "dumbass" for wasting my money. It was awesome. They all got over it and while they still aren't the biggest fans of tats they respect mine and respect the fact that I have good tattoos. My mom did make me promise her that I wouldn't tat my hands or neck. I'm starting to regret that as my open spots are slowly getting filled but a promise is a promise.
  6. Like
    KYboy reacted to hogg in Trip to San Fran   
    Actually, Theo Mindell does really, really beautiful Japanese stuff.
  7. Like
    KYboy reacted to Stewart Robson in Hi!!!   
    @SailorClaire Matt Lodder beat you to it by a few years. My opinion of this subject aside, I presume you've read The Post Modified Body?
    I skimmed your proposal and read the first questions. I must say, I'm not impressed. You won't get any further insight or information than a Daily Mail article or any of the tattoo books you can buy in HMV.
    Here's my opinion: When it comes to tattoos (and probably other areas of life), anything online is very far from the reality of the situation. Speak to real people in the real world and get a more honest view of what you're writing about.
    I don't know why I keep saying this to academics, they rarely listen...
  8. Like
    KYboy reacted to JAllen in How did you decide to cover yourself?   
    its like a timeline/map of events. the significance or meanings to each of them is sometimes obscure or a reference to something as well as sometimes being an inside joke. the sum total of them being a rejection of mainstream culture. i do from time to time hear people say that they want to wait til they are "in shape" before getting a tattoo somewhere and i tell them that i think i'll just cover myself and if i'm fat and ugly then at least there will be a bunch of scary tattoos to distract from that.
  9. Like
    KYboy reacted to JAllen in What's up!!   
    I want something by dana before I get moved back south. Hopefully I can make it happen! @Dan S, its the real deal. The brewery is right in the restaurant and little lockers for your beer steins for regulars. However, I do enjoy hillbilly-american as well. All the bars in this part of ohio don't even meet the high class standards of white trash americana. So that stuff down there is classy in comparison.
  10. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from Dan S in What's up!!   
    I didn't know "Hillbilly Americana" was a ethnic variety! Thats awesome I'm going to open a restaurant and advertise it as such. I know exactly where the ferry is not to far from home. We go fishing down there a lot. Hofbräuhaus in Newport is awesome, food/ beer, and good times. Authentic German band and dancing on the tables and all. It's down on the river though definitely more of a yuppy part of town the real scene is at the bars buried in the city. I get tattooed at Designs by Dana, from Nathan Abney. Dana Brunson owns the shop. Anybody been there?
  11. Like
    KYboy reacted to Tim Hendricks in Panther Tattoos   
    I feel like not only was Mike born to be a tattooer but he was also born to throw down the best panther heads ever. I stole like three head drawings from him in Miami, unlawfully.
  12. Like
    KYboy reacted to Avery Taylor in Panther Tattoos   
    I agree with all of this, but I would like to add that this is one of my favorite all time tigers, and you are the one that did it.
  13. Like
    KYboy reacted to Dan S in What's up!!   
    I'll check it out...been in the one in Munchen, so what the heck. Didn't realize they had any ethnic bars in Newport other than Hillbilly-American!
  14. Like
    KYboy reacted to JAllen in What's up!!   
    Its in newport, Hofbräuhaus. There's one in munich germany and one in newport. The foods pretty good too if you like german stuff.
  15. Like
    KYboy reacted to Dan S in What's up!!   
    Kentucky is a righteous place! I spend a decent amount of time there, not too far from Cinci...really, just a ferry ride away-should tell ya where. Actually looking at moving down there in a few years. Anyhow. Good yer here, enjoy!
  16. Like
    KYboy reacted to Stewart Robson in FST: On the Shoulders of Giants   
    ;) yeah, Shane was in SF too. He's nicer than I am.
  17. Like
    KYboy reacted to Aussie Tom in FST: On the Shoulders of Giants   
    "do you know how much this would hurt with pants on?!"
  18. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from Brock Varty in What's up!!   
    I know Kentucky might get a bad rep. but there is a great music, arts, scene here (i'm right outside of Cincinnati). It's a great state and I'm proud of it. If anyone has been here you know the stereo types can be true, but there's a lot of cool shit going on here too. Come on out I'll show ya a good time! I also have 2 Kentucky tattoos! 1 is the state outline and banner that reads "Home Sweet Home" on my ribs and on the back of my arm I got a Horseshoe and Cardinal that reads "Kentucky Straight" I''ll post pics sometime. Us fellas here in Kentucky still learning how to use computers n' such
    - - - Updated - - -
    We can be best friends! Just don't touch my drums...
  19. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from JAllen in What's up!!   
    Ah hell everyone needs a little lube from time to time anyway! No shame in that game! haha... Either way I can't change it now. Maybe it will provide some comic relief from time to time
  20. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from Dan S in What's up!!   
    Ah hell everyone needs a little lube from time to time anyway! No shame in that game! haha... Either way I can't change it now. Maybe it will provide some comic relief from time to time
  21. Like
    KYboy reacted to gougetheeyes in What's up!!   
    I like this dude.
  22. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from hogg in What's up!!   
    Ah hell everyone needs a little lube from time to time anyway! No shame in that game! haha... Either way I can't change it now. Maybe it will provide some comic relief from time to time
  23. Like
    KYboy got a reaction from Graeme in What's up!!   
    Ah hell everyone needs a little lube from time to time anyway! No shame in that game! haha... Either way I can't change it now. Maybe it will provide some comic relief from time to time
  24. Like
    KYboy reacted to JAllen in What's up!!   
    Covington actually has a pretty interesting history, especially during the 20's.
    Even if it was nothing but briars and white trash, never be ashamed of where you're from.
  25. Like
    KYboy reacted to JAllen in Best in the Midwest   
    Well, supposedly "The midwest region consists of 12 states in the north-central and north-eastern United States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin."
    so speaking only of people i've seen their work on folks, rich t at bicknee in coalton-ohio, durb morrison at red tree in columbus-ohio, jay blevins at high street in columbus-ohio, rev chad wells at wells and co. in dayton-ohio, dana brunson at designs by dana in cincinnati-ohio, andy blair at flying tiger in cincinnati-ohio, kori flatmo at plurabella in cincinnati-ohio and john massie who works at five star tattoo in louisville-ky but also works at one of the designs by dana shops so i'll include him in the midwest list.
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