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Everything posted by oldfartart

  1. I'm starting to get an itch to get tattooed by Thomas Hooper. I'd love to get a great black and gray pattern of some sort on my lower leg. I love the intricacy of his designs.
  2. oldfartart

    1st Tat

    I guess my question would be, why ask a question if you have no intent of listening to the answers anyway?
  3. @youthcrewalex: I love those both. The bounty hunter montage with the angel wings is great. As for that tiger on your head, it must have felt like a jackhammer ramming into your skull getting applied. It looks awesome though.
  4. I would love to get a Star Wars tattoo from Adam Hays. He has some great flash in the Force In The Flesh and I really dig his style.
  5. I might need to tell my wife this. After my Yoda tattoo, I found that her mood decreased by 20%. :D - - - Updated - - -
  6. Good video and thanks for sharing.
  7. Welcome to LST. I like your artwork. I only saw one thing that threw me off. In your picture of the boat, your main mast does not reach all the way down to the boat. Also, I don't see any masts for your 2 rear sails either. Other than that though, well done and nice to have you around. This really is a great forum.
  8. @kylegrey: Thanks for posting this. I love videos like this that give you a different perspective of tattooing and what it entails. For her to be 92 years old and still as active as she is is great to see.
  9. Just got this done last night with Todd Lamere from Body Art Tattoo in Plattsburgh, NY. It took about 3 hours. Sorry for the bad pic, I will try and get a better one.
  10. I've got an appointment scheduled at my local shop on the 22nd this month. I'm already all geeked up and excited. I told my artist to come up with something cool Yoda inspired for my upper right arm. I can't wait to see what he comes up with. Upon finding out, my wife asked why on Earth I would get another Star Wars tattoo when I already have a Darth Vader one. I told her, "Duh, I have Vader, but I need Yoda to balance out the force." She just rolls her eyes. ;)
  11. I'm glad you feel that way. I'm 39 and just got my first tattoo almost 2 months ago. I'm overweight as well. Who cares what anybody else thinks about how you look or your body size. If you have an idea for a nice tattoo, go for it I say.
  12. Mike, after seeing your above post, I'm sorry, but Aveeno is not a vegan lotion. It is lanolin free, but after more reading, it was tested on animals since the company that owns them is Johnson and Johnson. I wasn't sure if maybe you had an allergy or something like me, so that was why I commented. Sorry again.
  13. I use Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion with natural colloidal oatmeal. The one I use is also fragrance free and lanolin free. I had to switch to this after getting my tattoo when I broke out in a horrible rash and contact dermatitis. I ended up having what I believe was a lanolin allergy. I have not had any problems since then.
  14. To be honest, The blacklight tattoos don't really do anything for me. If I'm going to get a tattoo on my body, I want something that is visible to see whenever I want. Others may like it, but it's just not something that interests me.
  15. I've only got the one tattoo so far, but I must have changed my mind 300 times. I was looking at a ton of pics and artwork for inspiration and every time I'd decide on something, I'd see something else I like better. Also, because I was new, for a while I fell into the trap of coming up with something that has real meaning. After reading the boards here more I realized that it's more important to get something that you really want and would like instead of needing a deep seeded meaning. For the next tattoo though, I'm already looking at Kuniyoshi for inspiration as I've bought the book "101 Great Samurai Prints" Wait, is that a cat over there? That would make a cool tattoo.
  16. Now I see more clearly why we have the 10 thoughtful posts till you are able to create you own posts. Imagine if the above toolbag had free reign to be able to create posts when first starting? We'd be bombarded with garbage.
  17. I'm in the middle of reading the magazine and I love it so far. Tattoo Culture seems to really take pride in providing good articles and interviews, but without all the hooplah and wasted space I usually see in most tattoo magazines. I do wish there was a print copy of this magazine, but for a free eZine it's very well done. Kudos to anyone here on the boards that has helped in putting it together.
  18. And also, within a couple years, that iPhone will be outdated and a useless hunk of scrap. That print on the other hand, will still be hanging on your wall, and being admired every day.
  19. @kylegrey, I don't know whether to love you or be disgusted. I've never found that site before and could spend hours looking around, plus a lot of money. :o That site is great.
  20. I may be the wrong one to give an opinion since I love this type of artwork, but I say go for it if it's something you really want. I think it looks great and I would love to have this hanging in my house. For a piece of original art from 1868, this seems like a great deal. I just ordered Kuniyoshi's 101 Samurai prints today and am psyched to be getting it, but nothing beats the beauty of an original Japanese woodblock print. You only live once....... go for it. ;)
  21. That dragon is incredible.
  22. Haha, I hadn't really thought of that. The original play on words was supposed to be Old Fart Art, as I'm an older fart who likes art, specifically tattoo art. BTW, thanks everyone for the welcomes.
  23. I figure since I'm a Star Wars nerd and recently got a Star Wars Tattoo, I'll post it here. It's from a Derek Ward Flash Set and done by Todd Lamere at Body Art Tattoo. This is only 5 days into healing so I'm sure it will look a bit different.
  24. Hey there everyone. My name is Scott and I'm 39 years old, but soon to be the big 4-0. I have been a fan of tattoos for a long time but never got one until 5 days ago. My wife jokes with me and says it's a mid-life crisis;) I love looking at everyone's new tattoos and hope to learn a lot from you all. I already have a feeling that one tattoo is not going to be enough as I've already began looking for other ideas. I know people usually like to see what you've got, so I've posted a couple of pics in my gallery. It's from flash by Derek Ward, and it was done by Todd Lamere from Body Art & Tattoo in Plattsburgh, NY.
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