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Everything posted by rocketfish344

  1. i've been reading some of the Aragon series recently.
  2. great work! very interesting.
  3. loved the hobbit. one of my favorites of 2012.
  4. I'm not going, wish I could be there. looks like alot of fun.
  5. lol! omg! i feel so bad for those people :(((
  6. wow, the artist mispelled that guy's arm tattoo.
  7. probably the convict who had his eyes tattooed
  8. keep it up! loving the art work :) gotta say there's some great pieces posted here.
  9. awesome! i'm a huge star wars fan. very nice man :)
  10. hmm. yea. I definitely agree with the spamming. i've seen this problem on a few other forums as well :(
  11. hmm interesting. i've never gotten that error. maybe trying contacting an admin about it?
  12. awesome! thats exactly was i was thinking of to get on my arm/shoulder pretty soon.
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