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Great Lakes Tattooing

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Everything posted by Great Lakes Tattooing

  1. its hard to say whether the old guard can hold the wolves at bay...It would be nice to see a new guard arise and continue on with the today's social standards in mind. Legislation is good, but a slippery slope. A new regulating organization would be great, but it can only control and help those who agree to it. I really cant think of an all encompassing solution...the best I can do is keep the wolves out of my little shop. Entitlement will be our downfall.
  2. I would think about it if it were a beach in sweden...with my dog.
  3. Thanks and thanks! The tattoo was done by me.
  4. my name is ryan and i am a leo. been tattooing for ten years. I own and operate great lakes tattoo. thanks for the fuel.
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