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  1. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from TattooedMumma for a gallery image, Devil Head by Jeff Rassier   
    Devil Head tattooed by Jeff Rassier at Blackheart Tattoo
  2. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from polliwog for a gallery image, Battle Royale in progress   
    Tattooed by Bob Roberts
  3. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Steve for a gallery image, Battle Royale in progress   
    Tattooed by Bob Roberts
  4. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from MadeIndelible for a gallery image, Autograph by Thom DeVita   
  5. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Abyss for a gallery image, Left Leg Work   
    Here's a shot of my left leg, mostly done in 2012, by Bob Roberts and Robert Ryan. there's also a small one from Thom DeVita.
  6. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Scott R for a gallery image, Left Leg   
    Here's a shot of my left leg, mostly done in 2012, by Bob Roberts and Robert Ryan. there's also a small one from Thom DeVita.
  7. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Brock Varty for a gallery image, Autograph by Thom DeVita   
  8. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from gougetheeyes for a gallery image, Indian Head by Robert Ryan   
    Indian by Robert Ryan. Banjo and patial Baby Head by Bob Roberts
  9. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from gougetheeyes for a gallery image, Hindu Wizard   
    Hindu Wizard by Robert Ryan
  10. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, Battle Royale in progress   
    Tattooed by Bob Roberts
  11. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, Left Leg Work   
    Here's a shot of my left leg, mostly done in 2012, by Bob Roberts and Robert Ryan. there's also a small one from Thom DeVita.
  12. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, Left Leg Work   
    Here's a shot of my left leg, mostly done in 2012, by Bob Roberts and Robert Ryan. there's also a small one from Thom DeVita.
  13. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, Lion Mask by Filip Leu   
    Lion Mask by Filip Leu. Tattooed at Diamond Club, SF
  14. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, The Pleasure of Pondering   
    Leg work by Bob Roberts
  15. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Duffa for a gallery image, Hindu Wizard   
    Hindu Wizard by Robert Ryan
  16. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Graeme for a gallery image, Mer-Monkey   
    Mer-Monkey and Paramour by Scott Harrison
  17. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from Headphoned for a gallery image, Left Leg Work   
    Here's a shot of my left leg, mostly done in 2012, by Bob Roberts and Robert Ryan. there's also a small one from Thom DeVita.
  18. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from kylegrey for a gallery image, Hindu Wizard   
    Hindu Wizard by Robert Ryan
  19. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from kylegrey for a gallery image, The Pleasure of Pondering   
    Leg work by Bob Roberts
  20. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from kylegrey for a gallery image, Battle Royale in progress   
    Tattooed by Bob Roberts
  21. Like
    dronemaster got a reaction from kylegrey for a gallery image, Battle Royale in progress   
    Tattooed by Bob Roberts
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