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  1. I wouldn't get tattooed in an environment that wasn't chill. Devil or uber-gangster music and id just leave. But I realize that there are different atmospheres for different clientele. I have over 30+ hours of grind-house very cool yet old school American street shop work and 20+ hours of super custom 2 customer a day shop work. Need to ask which hurt less and had the chillest of atmospheres? I am willing to bet most non inner city shops will eventually follow the boutique model. That or I have become a hipster and need help.
  2. Alanis Morissette and other strong female leads mellow and relaxed. The odd occasional wu-tang and country thrown in the mix with a metal track here and there. The tattooist can feel your personal chi and should adjust the music accordingly.
  3. I had a few hours with rotary on me. Very gentle artist healed like a dream. I credit the artist, but he said he used rotary primarily because of the sound. He still lined with a coil and did some shading, but large spaces were rotary. The sound is much more soothing. Pain? Hard to say, very light hands helps, granted it he layered the black and stacked color differently. Pneumatic is the newest, and similar sound effects. Id like to get a Tebori and Pneumatic tattoo someday.
  4. I listen to lesbian music. Cant imagine how more faces aren't punched when metal and other uneasy listening goes on. It seems counterproductive to the client who is trying to sit still and not feel pain.
  5. I like you
  6. Its cool he shared that with you
  7. This thread got dumb fast, wow
  8. Japaneese windbars and whatnot. So far I am thinking snakes, but still hunting for better ideas/pics to inspire me.
  9. Hi I have similar coverage to this guy, back arms chest, but like him have the large open spaces above the clavicles. Looking for advice pics ideas as to what to put there, as it is a tight but very visible to me space and an important spot.
  10. Tattoos and scars add to a person’s experience, if he did that to his face, imagine what he might do to his foreign enemies.
  11. I would be more concerned with horrible school nutrition, energy drinks and reality tv over this crap.
  12. My best ideas come late at night
  13. $700 in found quarters? Sweet.
  14. Does the flower go into the armpit?
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