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Everything posted by durtyxsanchezz

  1. 'If ya gotta ask, you cant afford it! ;)
  2. thats badass..but how much did you pay for just the eagle vs. how much you payed for it is now.. just guessing that that was a factor in a reason it looks alot better now than it did before, either way it looks badass now
  3. 31-10 FSU WON:cool:
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA made my day bro hahah - - - Updated - - -
  5. Im watchin the Orange Bowl right now, FSU is playing NIU.. Who yall pullin for?
  6. Thanks buddy, man for the past 3 months all ive been doing when i havnt been tattooing at the shop is looking at, drawing, and studying the old school flash.. im trying to get the basics of drawing trad. down without overly "copying" other artists flash... i saw something somebody posted about if you look at an object and get the anatomy of it correct than you can then apply what you know and it should turn out halfway decent haha
  7. Hey guys sorry if theres already a thread bout this, i couldnt find it if there was but feel free to let me know where it is and ill delete this post, but i have really got into American Traditional style and was wondering if anybody has any good pointers about drawing things in a traditional style.. for example, anybody can look at a horse head or a rose outside, but what are some key points in making things look more traditional?.. I dont want to have to keep looking at other artists flash, i want to be able to look at something at know what key points i could use that would help me give it a more traditional look rather than realistic.. thanks guys, Happy New Years!
  8. durtyxsanchezz


    what happens when bordom strikes..i grab a sharpie and draw then tattoo haha. still needs 1 more session
  9. (Healing in this pic) my 2nd time doing black/grey
  10. (Healing) The only pic I have of this is when it was healing but it was my 1st time doing a blk/grey piece
  11. that is some badass artwork!
  12. head, throat, ribs, dick, nutt sack, upper theigh, back of the arms ,...it all hurt!!
  13. no problem man, i was just bustin yalls balls about it haha thanks tho bro!
  14. hahah thanks guys yea man ive been getting alot of laughs on here thats forsure! theres some wild posts on here haha thanks for the welcoming !
  15. hahaha you already know! lmao but thanks buddy, i was thinkin like holy shit still no reply from anyone n every other introduction post has a few replys, shit i musta not got the point of introducing myself haha
  16. his attempt at bombing is alot better than his attempt at tattooing - - - Updated - - - that FUZI UVTPK isnt trash polka,, its trash period.... Xoil does some awesome ass work check out some of his "photoshop" style http://www.facebook.com/pages/Xo%C3%AFl-Needles-Side-TattOo/117449854938676?sk=photos_stream
  17. dudes graff. is pretty good, he shoulda never picked up a tattoo machine tho lol
  18. I personally this is a badass style.. Xoil (Needles Side tattoo) calls his style photoshop and its sick as hell
  19. wow, that is shitty hahah
  20. Is There any other way besides freehand with the tat2 "gun" hahaha ;) - - - Updated - - - lmao...im thinkin more like Tatz 4 Titz! hahahah:cool:
  21. thats good that he got it removed n gettin his shit straight
  22. tattooing lower hip or theighs and getting breezes of rotting fish........not good, esp. when its a hour- hour half long tattoo hahaha. and groups of "gangsters" come into the shop bein all loud n shit expecting you to do a 300$ tattoo for 50 bucks! then bitching about it because you didnt "do enough" to it - - - Updated - - - you aint lyin bro!
  23. Ive got alot of really stupid tattoos on me but shit, this thread makes me feel like i have some of the best pieces in the world ,, shit lol - - - Updated - - - hahahaha you aint lyin! lmao
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