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Posts posted by JeffK

  1. My shin was my first and wasn't too bad. The part over the bone went numb pretty quick actually.

    Out of my 14 the wrists were the worst no doubt. My sternum was 2nd worse. I had some behind my ears and those I actually laughed during it. It was tough to stay still. It didn't tickle it was just a weird sensation more than pain.

    But anything along that anterior/inside of the forearm (especially closer to the wrists) kills me. I think my skin is just really sensitve there.

  2. So here's my first. I was 18, it was 1999. I sometimes think about keeping the skull but getting the tribal bits covered or blended into something else. But fuck it. It's who I was, it was a sign of the times. Again, I wouldn't choose it now, but I don't regret or hide it. Despite my shitty cell phone shot it still looks pretty unfaded in person. I stay out of the sun though.


  3. That bear is a tough first tattoo, nice choice! Mine is kinda dorky but real representative of who I was when I was 18. It's just a skull with the cap removed and the brains sticking out. No pic right now, I'll get to it. I had a different idea (tribal, it was the 90's so don't judge!) but when I got to the shop I picked this design off the wall because it had brains. I know, cool story bro!

    Anyway, I don't regret it. I wouldn't choose it now, but it's who I was then and it's fun to remember. It's also on my shin right on the bone. I had to prove to my friends I could "take the pain maaaan!" haha. Being 18. WTF?!

  4. I had to travel after I got mine done, left a trail of scabs from Chi to Seattle and back.

    Yeah, it's not THAT serious. I want something by the dude, figured this would be cool, but I have other ideas for easier parts. Plus there's other's I can have do my knees who are around here. I'm in Chicago, plenty of talent to choose from. Thanks for the insight.

  5. Haha so 1 at a time. Again "NO DUH!" but figured I'd see what others had happen. Main reason was the guy I was wanting to do it won't be in town long so I thought about it. Also I wanted them done before summer hit. I hate getting tattooed in the summer and wanted them nice and healed for the season. I'll wait it out and get something else somewhere a little more familiar then.

    If my job was at a desk all day I might suffer through it but since I'm on my feet for 80% of the shift I'm not going to screw myself like that.

  6. So this is a dumb question no doubt but figured I'd put it out there. I'm considering getting my knees done next. I work as a nursing assistant, so I'm standing/walking a lot. The most I can get off for healing is 2 full days after the tattoo (so say I get it Friday, I'll have all of Sat and Sun off.) MAYBE 3 days if I call in sick. If I get both done at the same time, is that a good amount of time for the aches/swelling to go away? I'm not concerned about the external/surface/skin pain or scabbing, more the post-tattoo swelling/muscle pain.

    I've got a pretty solid pain tollerance. My concern is function.

    Anyway, I'm thinking "NO, just do 1 at a time" but thought I'd ask anyway. Maybe I'm over reacting? There's a good reason for getting both at once vs. different days/weeks that I won't get into. But whatever. Anyone do both at the same time? How'd that go?

  7. Probably the same way you tell if anyone is really into anything. There's just a look in their eye or you can hear it in their voice and they have focus and interest the whole way through. They can say whatever they want but it'll just show in the amount of effort they put in and their general attitude.

    I know, kind of a blanket answer, but it's all I got. Other than being a psychic it's all there is to go on. Non-verbal cues.

  8. Almost every one I get, the thought comes out of no where and like days before I get it. I used to think about it, go over it in my head, over and over and over. And the end result in my head was always....over thought crap. Then it'd hit me, and I'd go get it. If something was kinda shitty about it, some aspect, the artist was always confident enough to tell me "...no...how about this?" and it worked out.

    I've just learned if I think too much about it before, it's not happening. It's got to be something that is so perfect that no thought is needed. Like "Oh no shit, yeah that makes sense!"

    Or just a total walk-in "Uuuummmm....THAT!" off the wall style. I love that, it's fun, the artist has fun, it's just fun. As long as I know the person behind the machine is solid, that's all I need to feel good about my choice.

  9. For sure. There are a few styles or trends I hate, but if it's done WELL, then I have nothing negative to say. I snob out on quality. Or counter-snob on assholes who think they know what they're talking about but only have like 2 tattoo's and they got them in a basement or from some hack and want to give me shit about my loose standards on content/meaning.

  10. I'm an everything snob. I mean that in the best way possible. By "snob" I mean I have standards. I don't see why that's some sort of insult now? Hippster makes me laugh too because it has SO many different meanings to different people. It's like a word people just throw at someone sometimes with no real insult. I've seen punks get called hippster. I've seen metal dudes get called hippster. It's so weird. I just like "douche bag" for someone who is one, no matter what their taste, and I use that. It covers all ranges.

    Anyway, on to snobbing. I don't get the words, but I know they're there. It's another term where it's kind of random. For instance I know a lot of people who think they're "tattoo snobs" but I see what they like, and the quality is poor (not even just the design, the work, clearly done in some dude's kitchen) but then they have a "story" and it "means something" and they think they're better then me for getting a random, generic "Hot Stuff" tattoo off the wall done well in a real shop.

    It's a weird topic because it's all SO subjective. My wife has a few random ones and gets looks from people who THINK they're snobs because (again) they were classic designs off the wall. But the people judging her, their criteria isn't quality of work (or even understanding of the history of the flash chosen) but "what it means" and "is it a custom or original?" Shit like that.

    Anyway, having standards is awesome. I don't think I'm better than others because of them, I'm just glad I'm better then what I could have been without them. Sorry for the long winded ass post.

  11. I just started a basic 2 day split. With fulltime work, part time school and a family it's hell to get in but I've been pushing to do so over the last month or so (nothing to do with resolutions.)

    Anyway, pretty confident on most my lifts except dead lifts. I'm just OCD I'm missing something though I think I have them down.

    Not to be a total weirdo, but would anyone here be cool to check a video clip of me doing dead lifts? I have no one to check my form, and I THINK I'm doing them right (light enough weight not to get hurt, just practicing form) but would rather have someone who knew take a look.

  12. When I started med school our entire class got the Judgey McJudgeypants talk about maintaining a professional appearance out of respect for both the field and for our patients. They even went so far as to out and out say that any non-traditional appearance may result in lower grades during our clinical evaluations based on how professional we appear to be and how serious we are taking our training. I don't have any major visible modifications (aside from a tiny stud in my nose piercing), but one of my classmates (who has an amazing Japanese themed sleeve) was sweating bullets throughout the entire talk.

    While I do agree that we need to dress and act professionally, and that perhaps face, hand or neck tattoos may not be the best choice to make at this point in our careers I really dislike the idea that part of our grades is basically determined by our looks. This was also highly ironic as the person delivering this talk happens to have more than one or two tattoos of their own.

    Haha, well as the NA who has to clean up after residents and fellows leave a patients room here's a tip: The patient won't care about your tattoos (if they even see them while wearing a white coat) so much as you leaving a mess after leaving from doing a dressing change or in room check up. Not ragging on YOU, but we get so many students/residents/fellows/doctors who go in, rush a bunch of questions, leave a tornado of a mess and don't clean it up. The patients HATE that and I can't think of ANYTHING more unprofessional. They won't even notice the tattoos.

    I think more then the type of profession, when it comes to health care, it depends on the city/facility. I work at a major hospital near the Loop in Chicago, a huge liberal city. No one cares. Even patients who come in from out of state.

    I do clinicals at a suburban catholic owned hospital and have to cover it ALL up and I do think some patients WOULD mind.

    They don't care if you're an NA, RN, MD, OT, PT, whatever. It's almost always the facility and town/city and their expectations of it.

  13. what do you do?

    Nursing assistant/student but no one on the unit needs to cover up. A few nurses have 1 or 2, same with an orderly we have. I have about 7 visable tattoos w/a short sleeve shirt/scrub top. I've been to hospitals that require them covered no matter what though. Every job's different.

    I've only had 1 job where I HAD to cover up all the time. Wasn't a big deal, but I never dealt with anyone but staff so it was a bit annoying since no one would see them who wasn't a coworker I already got along with.

  14. I live in Chicago, so as far as the general population goes, no one says anything negative to my face.

    I work in a hospital that doesn't require me to hide my tattoos and that's where things get fun. Most of the time it's positive comments. Most of my patients are older too and they enjoy talking about them. I never get anything outright negative. If I do it's always subtle. "What does your mother think?" (which is fun since she has tattoos.) "I bet you regret that!" "Where you drunk?" "One day you'll regret it." Again, not a lot of that though.

    The "meaning" is the worst though. All of a sudden I get a much different feel/look from the person when I don't have an answer for that. They can't BELIEVE I'd get something on my body forever without a long, boring meaning tagged on it.

    The best was I had a patient and his friends talking about my tattoos when I was in the room, like I wasn't there. No big deal. Then one of them says "You know, I was at Walgreens and a young lady there had a tattoo right on her arm. I couldn't believe it!" Like Walgreens is some high class joint where employees click there heels. He made my day.

    Oh, I'm also a fan of "what'll you do when you're 80?" Umm...be 80? Who cares, I'd be happy to be kicking!

  15. I always like the simple names too. I mean, in the end, it's about the artist. BUT the name can say a lot. What type of person would name their shop some of this shit? Maybe they have some amazing skills but our taste will no doubt not match up and that says something. Plus in some cases if you're trying that hard to get me to notice your shop you're either for tourists or compensating.

    I had a friend in high school who dreamed of opening a shop called "Kaotic Kustomz Ink" and it's a good thing he didn't.

    Worst name I can come up with: "Damaged Ink" (they'd probably think they're real cool for paying tribute to Metallica) or "Dr. Brain Splatterz Tat Lab"

  16. Sorry if I'm bringing back a dead thread, but this one was interesting.

    I've been getting tattoos since before me and my wife were dating. We've been married 8 years, together 10. She actually JUST got her 1st and 2nd in the last 2 months. I never thought she would. Not that she's against them. She usually said "I like them on you, not on me."

    Anyway. Now we have all sorts of new conversations that we just never had. When are you getting one? Do we have the money for us BOTH to get one now? What are you getting? Haha that's stupid, you're such a goon! All things we each hear or say now.

    I know it's trivial but it does add a new dynamic to our relationship.

    Our next plan is to go in and pick out one another's tattoo based on the classic wall flash, making sure to choose something the other would probably not think to choose themselves. Risky, yeah (because my wife's an asshole and I'll no doubt walk out with Tweety Bird holding an AK-47) but fun and just kind of part of who we are anyway.

  17. I have people ask me this all the time, I only have 11. I joke and say never. I'll be done when I feel like it. I know that's kinda vague but it's the most honest answer I can give. I don't sit around thinking "I'll get this here, and that there!" It's more instinctual almost. I just see something or an idea pops up and I go and get it (once I have the money.)

    I also hear a lot of comments about it being addictive. I don't view it that way. An addiction would mean I couldn't stop if I wanted. I don't want to. It's just something I really have a passion for and enjoy. That's not an addiction, that's a party!

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