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Everything posted by JeffK

  1. I didn't want to start a new thread on the design and this looks like the closest thread to the topic I can find. Anyone know the history, if there really is one, of the bent back lady/skull design? You know what I mean, this thing: bent back lady | Tumblr Too lazy to upload the pic myself.
  2. Since I'm not going to get anything done, and am not a tattooist myself, no. I thought about it but don't really want to spend the $20. I have a friend going who's going to be sitting for most of Sat getting his arm done but otherwise don't know anyone else going.
  3. I am always cool to stop in or call BUT I need to know when the artist I wanna talk to is there if I'm looking to set something up with someone specific. THAT'S when email is super helpful. I'll email and see if they're free in the time frame I'm looking and when I can find them at the shop so I can roll in. After I know I don't mind. I don't want to be a pest/stalker though and just call and miss and call and miss and come in and they're in the middle of a job etc. I have a weird schedule though w/work and school so it's not like I'm just gonna luck out and run into the artist. So email's my friend for setting up even a quick consult.
  4. Hot Doug's is cool and fun. I mean most natives don't go all that often because the hours and lines and prices (unless they're yuppies and hipsters with the cash and time.) For regular, classic dogs, nothing fancy, there's a ton of hole-in-the-wall grease pits I love.
  5. "whoa that's nice who did it?.......are they cheap?.......oh.....damn....well my one buddy knows this guy!" I stop listening around that point.
  6. Yes, he's also done an axe! I saw those and felt like I needed some heavy metal myself. A war hammer was a close runner up in my mind when deciding.
  7. I always feel a little weird running to the computer to upload a pic of a new tattoo, I don't know why. I like to savor it for a little. Then I rush to Instagram to pop it up hahaha. But anyway here's what I got on Sunday from Chris Smith at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago. He took the picture. I stole it because I couldn't get a better shot, it's tough to get a really good photo. You get the idea.
  8. The first time I hit a shop that was cash only I was not ready. I walked in, dude spent 4 hours on me, and I was ready to pay debit.....BOOM. I said "Let me run to the ATM and keep my wallet/ID" the artist said "Nah man, just go and come back, I have a photocopy of your ID so I know where you live." Hahaha pretty logical.
  9. JeffK

    Morning Star

    Done by Chris Smith at Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago.
  10. My shin was my first and wasn't too bad. The part over the bone went numb pretty quick actually. Out of my 14 the wrists were the worst no doubt. My sternum was 2nd worse. I had some behind my ears and those I actually laughed during it. It was tough to stay still. It didn't tickle it was just a weird sensation more than pain. But anything along that anterior/inside of the forearm (especially closer to the wrists) kills me. I think my skin is just really sensitve there.
  11. JeffK


    My They Live tattoo. Done by Jason Hoodrich at Taylor Street Tattoo in Chicago. OBEY. Sorry for the crap cell shot.
  12. JeffK

    1st Tattoo

    Got this when I was 18 in 1999 at some tourist place in Wisconsin Dells. Wouldn't choose it now, but no regrets either. On my shin.
  13. So here's my first. I was 18, it was 1999. I sometimes think about keeping the skull but getting the tribal bits covered or blended into something else. But fuck it. It's who I was, it was a sign of the times. Again, I wouldn't choose it now, but I don't regret or hide it. Despite my shitty cell phone shot it still looks pretty unfaded in person. I stay out of the sun though.
  14. Yeah, that is awesome! I love that style. I love big back tattoos that still have some skin showing for contrast. So tough.
  15. Where are all the awesome Mermaid tattoos?! Such a classic sailor design I love seeing. Here's mine....kinda. It's a spin on the Capricorn, but you get what I mean. Hillary Fisher-White is awesome.
  16. JeffK


    Done by Hillary Fisher-White of Greenpoint Tattoo in Brooklyn but done at Taylor Street Tattoo in Chicago while she did a guest spot
  17. That bear is a tough first tattoo, nice choice! Mine is kinda dorky but real representative of who I was when I was 18. It's just a skull with the cap removed and the brains sticking out. No pic right now, I'll get to it. I had a different idea (tribal, it was the 90's so don't judge!) but when I got to the shop I picked this design off the wall because it had brains. I know, cool story bro! Anyway, I don't regret it. I wouldn't choose it now, but it's who I was then and it's fun to remember. It's also on my shin right on the bone. I had to prove to my friends I could "take the pain maaaan!" haha. Being 18. WTF?!
  18. He's on my short list. Even if I don't get my knees done by him I gotta set something up with him. So awesome.
  19. Yeah, it's not THAT serious. I want something by the dude, figured this would be cool, but I have other ideas for easier parts. Plus there's other's I can have do my knees who are around here. I'm in Chicago, plenty of talent to choose from. Thanks for the insight.
  20. Haha so 1 at a time. Again "NO DUH!" but figured I'd see what others had happen. Main reason was the guy I was wanting to do it won't be in town long so I thought about it. Also I wanted them done before summer hit. I hate getting tattooed in the summer and wanted them nice and healed for the season. I'll wait it out and get something else somewhere a little more familiar then. If my job was at a desk all day I might suffer through it but since I'm on my feet for 80% of the shift I'm not going to screw myself like that.
  21. So this is a dumb question no doubt but figured I'd put it out there. I'm considering getting my knees done next. I work as a nursing assistant, so I'm standing/walking a lot. The most I can get off for healing is 2 full days after the tattoo (so say I get it Friday, I'll have all of Sat and Sun off.) MAYBE 3 days if I call in sick. If I get both done at the same time, is that a good amount of time for the aches/swelling to go away? I'm not concerned about the external/surface/skin pain or scabbing, more the post-tattoo swelling/muscle pain. I've got a pretty solid pain tollerance. My concern is function. Anyway, I'm thinking "NO, just do 1 at a time" but thought I'd ask anyway. Maybe I'm over reacting? There's a good reason for getting both at once vs. different days/weeks that I won't get into. But whatever. Anyone do both at the same time? How'd that go?
  22. Another thing to think about is if the CC is stolen a tattoo isn't exactly something that can be repo'ed. I mean maybe some sort of insurance will cover the money on the shop's side, but still, it probably doesn't feel awesome to be the artist who gave someone some stolen time and art.
  23. Probably the same way you tell if anyone is really into anything. There's just a look in their eye or you can hear it in their voice and they have focus and interest the whole way through. They can say whatever they want but it'll just show in the amount of effort they put in and their general attitude. I know, kind of a blanket answer, but it's all I got. Other than being a psychic it's all there is to go on. Non-verbal cues.
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