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  1. Like
    Lochlan reacted to addam duncan for a gallery image, tiger tattoos   
    some tattoos i have done
  2. Like
    Lochlan reacted to MichelleMyles for a gallery image, PUGS   
  3. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Ryan Gagne for a gallery image, jensen redraw   
  4. Like
    Lochlan reacted to j. evans for a gallery image, panther   
    traditional panther tattoo
  5. Like
    Lochlan reacted to deaddreamnation for a gallery image, wolf head   
  6. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Perez for a gallery image, Horsey   
  7. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Perez for a gallery image, Fancy Feast   
    Fancy Cat
  8. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Perez for a gallery image, Tigertribal ROWR!!   
    Walk-in Fun
  9. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Perez for a gallery image, Grimshaw Cobra   
  10. Like
    Lochlan reacted to sbj619 for a gallery image, Wolf Head   
    Wolf head by Grant Cobb 28 APR 2011
  11. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Ursula for a gallery image, lone wolf   
    Lone Wolf by Timmy Tatts. You can find him at Tattoo Marks in State College, Pennsylvania
  12. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Aidan monahan for a gallery image, bulldog   
  13. Like
    Lochlan reacted to Aidan monahan for a gallery image, lion and crab   
  14. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  15. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  16. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  17. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  18. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  19. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, eagle   
  20. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, snake   
  21. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, snake   
  22. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, snake   
  23. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, snake   
  24. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, panther   
  25. Like
    Lochlan reacted to kayle leogrande for a gallery image, panther   
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