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Everything posted by Lochlan

  1. 2011 Superbowl of Hardcore has been announced and set for Saturday May 28, 2011 in New York The official lineup as of now is: Gorilla Biscuits Agnostic Front Terror Absolution Antidote Maximum Penalty Backtrack Down To Nothing Take Offense No Turning Back Bottom Out ++++ A surprise special guest ++++ Black N Blue Productions
  2. Here's a Rock of Ages tattoo someone emailed to me which they say was found on Tumblr and Nick Colella is credited for this work in progress. Nick is this yours? Do you have a better picture by chance? I really want to see what you have at the top and bottom......
  3. I don't think we have any LSTers in Paris on here but would enjoy hearing more on this if anyone has been or knows more......
  4. Has no one seen Teen Wolf (Michael J. Fox) or the other various you tube clips of people riding the whip or what-have-yous it is called? Shit was big in Oakland with the hyphy movement and various sideshows that were all over the news.
  5. Thanks for signing up and introducing your self.
  6. Stumbled across these three part videos on twitter of ", ", and http://vimeo.com/20348710" by Us Versus Them promoting an art show in SF that just went down and thought they'd be up LSTers alley......enjoy.
  7. Denise and Jessica were in town, SF/Oakland, for some days and one of the things they wanted to do was get tattooed so I took them over to Blackheart where they got tattooed by Cody Miller. I got to see one of Ben Grillo's finger tattoos he did on Denise and it is clean as hell of some little NYC lettering.
  8. I have been checking Stewart's blog regularly as well looking for new post, thanks. The subtle koi on the back of the right leg so cool.
  9. Hot damn, Tim Lehi has started a new blog which I added to the first page within our LST Preferred Tattoo Shop and Tattooers list. Pretty cool as he post art from when he was a kid to present day. Enjoy....
  10. Anyone see this or watch the fight?
  11. We found the needed software to instal so hopefully in the next few weeks this will be completed. thanks for the feedback.

  12. Good morning John and glad you like this tattoo forum. Thanks for joining and hope you'll contribute to it as well.
  13. With only two months into the year I thought it would be fun to try to do some projections as to what possibly will be this years most popular tattoos after reading Tammy's blog "Tattoo Trends of 2010". Here are my top three 2011 Tattoo Idea guesstamations: 1) Sharks 2) Traditional Tattoo Designs with a nautical/sailor/traveler theme 3) Tattoos of hands in various manners/styles (shaking hands, praying hands, one hand holding a rose, hands doing sign language and gang signs, etc) What are your top three projections?
  14. Perfect timing...we are actually having some discussions and looking at new options around the gallery for user friendliness for both members and visitors. But this one we didn't know so thanks. I told the other LST Admins.

  15. Happy Birthday!!!

  16. Got other plans that weekend so no can do. Here's the info for those interested: March 4-6 2011 for MusInk Tattoo Convention and Music Festival at the OC Fairgrounds
  17. Thanks for taking the time to join us Mara.
  18. Just saw this on the LST Reddit Account:
  19. Lochlan

    danielle BEFORE

    Why would someone want to cover-up a fun tattoo like that? The finished lady head cover-up looks awesome, thanks for posting the new tattoo pictures.
  20. Sounds like you'll fit right in from the tattoos to movies to food to ????. We do lots of eating and cooking as well for that matter. Thanks for the introduction and welcome!
  21. Here is the Blackheart to Vegas video for those who wish not to click the outside link:
  22. So I know the thread Cable Invasion was started around the rumors of a new tattoo TV show in New York and since it has kind of been announced that it is true I thought I would start a thread for discussion. Below is one of the few things in the press about this new show for those interested. I have heard things in other arenas from various people but don't want to be the one to bring it to the surface, however, if those who are on this tattoo forum want to share what they know have at it. There are/is some tattooers on this forum that will be on it and I think the tattoos that come from these individuals will continue to be impressive. From my understanding one of the big beefs with this show are the misconceptions around tattooing, tattooers, and tattoo shops that are portrayed to potential tattoo customers. Some of this has been discussed in the Good Tattoo Customer Behavior thread and elsewhere on our tattoo forum. One of my favorite quotes which if anyone knows anything about the previous tattoo shows on TLC and elsewhere comes from Tim Hendricks in that thread who has been on the show(s). It seems to have fallen through the cracks as no one commented on it so here it is again if you missed it, .With that have at it.... -Your thoughts? -Have you been tattooed on any of these tattoo shows? What was you experience? Note: this could get interesting as many don't know about the tattooers shown on the show and those behind the scenes..... -Have you tattooed on these shows? What was your experience? -Do you watch these tattoo TV shows? Favorite and/or least favorite parts? -and whatever else you feel like weighing in on -If you could do your own tattoo tv show/ docu-series how would you do it? Here is one of the few press articles out there on the new NY Ink show by the New York Post:
  23. Thanks for joining us, contributing and enjoyed the photos. Sure we'll meet sooner or later as the Bay Area is pretty small.
  24. The Old Firm Casuals first show will be in San Francisco at Thee Parkside on Friday May 13, 2011 with.....are you ready for this.....Sheer Terror! Also opening will be Massacre Time. Here is the link to pre-purchase your tickets.
  25. Here's the new Roger Miret and The Disaster's video they filmed a few weeks ago as mentioned above: Also they just announced more tour dates (US and International) so go support a homie.
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