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Everything posted by Lochlan

  1. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. I/we look forward to your contributions to our tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  2. Lochlan


    Welcome Jessica and thanks for joining us! You are in a great "area" good tattooers and tattoo shops. Maybe one of them will appeal to you or maybe your next trip someone else's work will?!? Enjoy your stay and we look forward to future post and pictures.
  3. Chad thanks for your first tattoo blog with us. I was checking out your other blog today http://chadkoeplingerslife.wordpress.com/ and hope you'll continue to share with LST as well!?! Alright here it goes: Village Park houses, apartments, and streets, Encinitas, CA Ocean Tattoo, San Francisco, CA Temple Tattoo, Oakland, CA Picture Machine Tattoo, San Francisco, CA Idle Hand Tattoo, San Francisco, CA Blackheart Tattoo, San Francisco, CA Sacred Tattoo, Oakland, CA Tattoo Thirteen, Oakland, CA Lyle Tutle's, San Francisco, CA Tattoo City, San Francisco, CA Frisco Tattoo, San Francisco, CA Some random apartments and houses throughout the Bay Area Damn, is that all? And they are all Bay Area (the "professional" tattoos at least)? For how much I travel you'd think I'd have tattoos form elsewhere? I guess I spend too much time exploring and eating when traveling. I need to be more mindful of this and collect tattoos like a passport maybe on my right leg!?!? Clive, thanks for sharing as well! Is the "and more soon..." upcoming appointments or still trying to remember them all? Thanks again and lets hear the places LSTers!!!!!
  4. Mario, thanks for sharing this tip on how you guys have adjusted to this sometimes frustrating circumstance for tattooers and tattoo shops. It appears people are finding it useful! Alright back to the pet peeves....thanks for joining us A.Sanchez, Ben Stone, & Rob Gilk!
  5. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. I/we look forward to your contributions to our tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  6. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. I/we look forward to your contributions to our tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  7. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions in the tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  8. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. I/we look forward to your contributions to our tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  9. Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the great post. I wanted to let you know, especially tattooers and shops, to set up your signature in settings. This way every time you contribute to the site you can have your contact info easily visible below your contributions. This is great, free, and easy ad space for potential new clients. Keep the great tattoo pictures and stories coming! Thanks again and until next time.... Lochlan
  10. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. I/we look forward to your contributions to our tattoo forum and tattoo blog via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  11. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  12. Lochlan

    fox leg

    haha, thanks for your contributions!
  13. Lochlan

    rose skull

    Nice rose tattoo.
  14. Lochlan

    bear chest piece

    Thats a chest piece, thanks for sharing!!
  15. That's a nice rose tattoo, thanks.
  16. Thanks for sharing your tattoo photos!
  17. Tattoos and cults...history has never seen such thing. Jesus! I wonder if they wear black Nike's and live in a mansion in some rich community as one? The scary thing is a cult could be similar to a RICO and that's more than two......hmmmmm What's the difference between a cult, gang, crew, religion, political party, police department, fire department, etc? Maybe one day we'll have someone from the above crew as a part of LST?
  18. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  19. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  20. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  21. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  22. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  23. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


  24. Welcome to Last Sparrow Tattoo. We look forward to your contributions to the tattoo forum , tattoo blog, and community via stories and pictures!

    Thanks and until then......have a good day


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