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Everything posted by SecondSkinStudios

  1. This is ridiculous. I wonder how he will feel about it in 10 years.
  2. thigh was definitely my worst. i thought my hand would be but that was actually quite painless.
  3. I already have a full sleeve on my right arm up to where the portrait will go. My 3/4 sleeve will be on my left but I already have something from where that will end up until the one on my left hand already.
  4. My next tattoo will be a portrait of Zach Galifianakis on my right hand at the end of this month, followed by my underwater 3/4 sleeve in january. Pretty stoked.
  5. The jobs I have had, have not been a problem for me because i dont have anything "offensive". I have had trouble finding a job at times because of my tattoos and their visibility. However, I have come to realize I quite frankly don't care anymore and I'm getting covered regardless. Now working for a design shop and tattoo shop it doesnt really matter. I do get looks from older folks who come into the design shop to get shirts but our main goal is providing apparel for other tattoo shops so I do not care anymore. Times are changing anyways and everyone is getting tatted nowadays so soon it shouldn't be an issue.
  6. i love parkway drive. soooo good
  7. bride of frankenstein.
  8. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0471

    woodbinestock hoodie
  9. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0459

    one of the artists from the tattoo shop joe king and our buddy chris.
  10. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0458

    heater for screening
  11. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0457

    screen printing
  12. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0456

    decal and heat press printer
  13. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0454

    digital printer and heat press
  14. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0452

    design shop
  15. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0326

    homeward bound hoodie
  16. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0322

    homeward bound mens tee
  17. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0318

    homeward bound ladies tee
  18. SecondSkinStudios

    dsc 0317

    band shirt from the shop
  19. My name is Julian and im 23 years old. I reside in Kingsland, GA. I work at Second Skin Design which is owned and operated by Derek Bunkley, the owner of Second Skin Tattoo. I am in a band called Abolish The Relics which we are influenced by bands such as All Shall Perish, Chelsea Grin, As Blood Runs Black, Shoot The Girl First, Underoath, and Upon A Burning Body. I'm addicted to tattoos and piercings, and cigarettes. That's all I can really think of at the moment.
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