Here's mine (slurped off of Steve Byrne's instagram)
The knee was way less painful than I expected it to be... there were a couple spots that really made me wince but otherwise it was pretty easy.
before my panther (with cobra headdress), snakes were on my "do not want" list, for the same reasons they're on yours.
When I saw the drawing I was immediately in love with it and I don't regret it a bit.
I probably won't go trying to get any more snakes on me though...
The giant praying Jesus hands on the campus of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa were modeled from the hands of a (distant) relation of mine... a real life carpenter... and probably about as shiftless at the time as you were @Dan S
Those hands are creepy, but less creepy, having met their real life owner.
Honestly, I don't remember off the top of my head! I've posted exactly 2(!) pictures up there so far...
What's yours? I'll follow you first and then you can follow me back :D
yeah, I thought about not doing it, but then I figured that I've got all those pictures of my tattoos on here, and since I don't *only* wear ankle length skirts, I'm kinda "out" here anyway.
I always think it's funny to imagine the LST cocktail party where everyone has to make sure their most recognizable tattoo is showing or else no one will know who they are.