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Everything posted by else

  1. I have a couple silhouette tattoos... my two old ones... planning to cover them with something *much better* one of these days, but I do still kinda love them. They for sure represent a specific time in my life... (and I want to see pictures too!! where's the bars?????)
  2. else

    Canadian, eh

    sounds like you know what the next step is!!! Get on that!! Choose your shop wisely and you won't have a thing to worry about.
  3. Then @CultExciter will definitely drop trou!! Game on!!!
  4. me too!! Well... it *used to* work that way anyway!!
  5. It's never too late, I bet you even know where to get some!!
  6. Hmmmm... tattoo show and tell?? witty discourse?? ;) seriously though, love me some bars!!
  7. you got any black flag bars @Brock Varty ??? ;) I'm a sucker for the bars!!! (again, y'all can thank "punk rock Chris"!!)
  8. yeah... but in my mind, men without tattoos just aren't as *hot* as men with!!! They don't even have to be good tattoos (although good is better!!) I just don't find plainskin men as sexy. (blame it on my very first boyfriend "punk rock Chris" LOL!!)
  9. Glad you're ok!! I haven't seen it in person yet, headed back to Oklahoma tomorrow though... I know it was horrible seeing it on the news, I'm dreading seeing it in person. :-(
  10. 2 awesome things! First, I managed to re-pack all my belongings right where they go, right where everything fits... see! Everything I've had with me for the past 3 months *still* fits into the containers it came with me in!! AND!! Nailing down the details for a contract in Klamath Falls Oregon to start in the late summer/fall!!! Hooray!! Back to the PNW!!
  11. I can't bear to think about it...
  12. Birds and roses are pretty, sure, but why should we have to limit ourselves to stuff that's "pretty"??
  13. I have this really bad - not just a twitch or a little jump sometimes - an honest to goodness kick. (it's a symptom of the larger leg problem) Anyway, I always give my tattooer a heads up about it and every one of them has reassured me that they can handle it, that pretty much everybody twitches a little bit here and there, and it's not a big deal. And so far (knock wood) I haven't jerked at just the wrong moment and screwed things up! (but I do still worry about that *one* time that I end up with some crazy line jutting out from an eyeball or something!!)
  14. I've gotten a couple few on my calves lately and I *always* take the next day off to baby my leg a little bit. Not to say that it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to work 12 hours the day after... but I wouldn't want to do it.
  15. I think it went more like "Hey! That's on you?!?! I saw that on Instagram!!!" LOL!!
  16. The aging skin issues are the same for men though too... on that note, even men get sagging tits when they're old enough ;)
  17. During my 4 most recent tattoos the tattooer has mentioned feeling a little more pressure, a little anxiety even, about putting something next to or near the other tattoos I have. Maybe I should get a couple bad ones to put them at ease!!! ;)
  18. So... When I was getting my snake yesterday both Paco and another tattooer that was there referred to me as a "tattoo collector". To be frank, I was a little startled by it! I haven't thought of myself as a "collector" at all... Just a person who likes tattoos, has gotten some, and intends to get more!! LOL!! What constitutes a "collector"? What does that really mean? I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with the title. But I'm not sure exactly where that discomfort comes from.
  19. Awww! @Delicious and @Pugilist Thanks guys! It's incredibly difficult to get a good picture of my own legs though!! And... I've still got some big ol' spaces... When I look at them I see so much that's left to be filled LOL!! - - - Updated - - - By Paco Cendon at Electric 13 in Austin. Aside from the AMAZING snake he put on me he was so fun and easy to sit for, can't say enough nice things about him! The full snake is on his Instagram, the face is my favorite :)
  20. Yeah, it's been awhile!! I really did need a break for awhile. But the break is over!! I've got another lined up in June - and then I'll probably be on another break until September or so. I'm so stoked on this one!!! :D
  21. here's a hint... proper picture to come (as soon as I can poach it from IG ;) ) Love it!!!
  22. As a side effect of my work I've seen the fronts of many, many an aged woman and I'd have to say that you're out of luck here. Gravity will win in the end every time. Sorry.
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