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Everything posted by else

  1. I got one done and I'm glad I didn't get the other at the same time. Healing it was much tougher than anything else I've got so far and even with just the one I was limping around pretty bad for at least a week.
  2. Hey @samuse welcome. I'm sure somebody will have a suggestion for you for near Corpus Christi.
  3. Ok... so I do have ONE MORE appointment booked... but *after that* I plan to take a break ;-)
  4. Totally about to stop for a bit... need a bit of a break I think.
  5. Here's my anchor!! We went a lot bigger and more colorful than I thought we would going in... Love it! :D
  6. LOL!! I think the beard helped! @Dan S - not a "beard"...Levi Hatch is rocking a "power beard", keeps it braided when he's working. Serious beard he's got... of course, in the picture I saw you're no stranger to the power beard yourself!
  7. Thanks guys!! I'm so incredibly happy with the thing!! A t-shirt and "contest winner" title just ices the cake!! :D I owe all y'all a debt of gratitude... who knows who I'd be letting tattoo me if I hadn't come here first... LST is my favorite place on the interwebs. :o
  8. I just got a kick ass anchor tattoo from my "home area code tattooer" Levi Hatch. My sister is going through a bad break up. She and I are very close, she asked if I would get "sister tattoos" with her. How could I say no? So we got similar, but not identical anchors. It was her FIRST tattoo and she went for the ribs and handled it like a champ :-) I went for the back of the calf, almost into the ditch. I'll post pics when I can. (I know, I ALWAYS say that! This time I will for sure!) Once again Levi was fabulous. I'm so glad that my sister had such a good experience for her first tattoo... Now, if she decides to get more she'll know how good it *can* be and hopefully not accept any less.
  9. Home for a few days between contracts! Have been home about an hour and I think I've spent nearly the entire time rubbing my dog's ears :-)
  10. Dude... I'm open to just about everything at this point. EVERYTHING is packed!! finished the book I was reading. knitting is packed. spinning is packed. tv is packed. just me and my laptop and the 1/2 empties I was planning on gifting to my coworkers tomorrow... it could be ugly... I've got dregs of booze from every continent... and everyone knows that that's a bad idea.
  11. Bored to tears. leaving the contract I'm on straight after work tomorrow. Everything except my laptop and the stuff I'll need in the morning is packed into my car and ready to go... I wish I had more booze as I am completely at a loss for what to do with myself for the rest of the night... the internet is failing to entertain me sufficiently at this moment.
  12. and BRAINS!! at least we moved on to brains @Graeme
  13. Or Finland!! All of Scandinavia is at your doorstep! From Estonia, with not too much travel, you have SO MANY options!
  14. I've treated a couple patients with Korsakoff's syndrome... it's actually incredibly fascinating. One of my favorite guys I ever saw had Wernicke-Korsakoff. Kind of awesome actually, at least, it is if you love brains as much as I do!
  15. @Deb Yarian , even if you felt like you were just parroting Stewart I would love to hear what you had to say anyway.
  16. @Dhopper - you've been a lifesaver to me on my visits to Austin!! I don't know what I would've done without you!!
  17. I LOVE the instagram feed! It's so fun to watch all those great tattoos go by.
  18. I hope not. I've been getting one after another pretty rapidly since December... no one has ever seemed to be bothered by it so far.
  19. I love geeky/nerdy stuff... don't ever ask me how ears work after I've had a drink or two... I can't stop - hearing is the best. thing. ever.
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