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Everything posted by Idahoink

  1. Welcome. As others have mentioned, do yourself a favor and take your time finding a quality artist. If you have lived with it this long I bet you can be patient. I am not artist but have seen my share of good cover-ups and I feel yours will be an easy one for the right artist. I am also looking forward to a cover-up(mine is a bit larger and darker)by Darcy Nutt here shortly.
  2. These are the posts I like to read. Your positive mental attitude is an inspiration and should be a reminder to the thread peeps why we are a part of this community. I was recently in a violent accident and realizing how fragile life, I also have started pants. Good luck and look forward to seeing your future work.
  3. Very much agree with the above posters. I am not sure I feel comfortable judging a 63 year old man's decision to get a tattoo and/or the placement. Right or wrong, let him enjoy his life and body art. Good luck to the both of you.
  4. I dont like controversy in my life as I have lived within my entire life and can't imagine the situation you are in and hope the best for you as I support the legalization and medical use of Cannabis. With that said, I know some excellent officers with unmatched morals and ethics that I would trust my life with and had to overseas. I also know there are bad people in all industries including tattooing. I feel fuck the police is a bit harsh and understand your mad but, when kids are taken, women are violated or beaten, people are killed, etc. they serve a purpose and some are damn good. I dont mean to start a shitstorm and I guess as a new member you all are welcome to bash me and say fuck that guy for his opinion. I spose my membership could prove short here but Good Luck anyway. Dont hate, educate.
  5. Ian I know Jondix is an architectual genius and a master in shapes, dots, and lines. He will do an outstanding job no matter what. Looking forward to seeing it. I am not an artist but consider a dirt runway and some green trees on the sides of the runway displaying some visual dimension like the plane is taking off. There may be enough room to have plenty of trees different sizes or maybe the plane is taking off from a wheat field, hay field or something with a bit of color. It will show the plane off, show good contrast, simple so people dont have to be up in your personal space to see and lastly will not wash or hide Jondix's work. Good luck, keep all the pictures coming.
  6. Idahoink


    Thank you. The artist who is a close friend is booked for months so he is working on me in the shop on his off days when his shop is closed, as I am funny about being stared at by people that are price shopping anyway. Ironically, I was honorably discharged from the USMC and soon there after was in a near fatal accident involving a school bus loaded with kids that ran a stop sign around 46mph. The pain is negligable considering my injuries and he is excited to work on me. This makes it very comfortable for us to relax and solve the worlds problems. Thank You again.
  7. This show would be a great for a new FAIL meme imo. The bad work is rampant. Is it a coincidence the following show is a tattoo cover-up show? I wonder if the human canvases have an opportunity to have the bad work repaired, covered, or lasered by an artist. I'm a bit embarrassed by the drama of these so called self proclaimed artists in the waiting area. I know they are looking for the audience that watches shows as Jersey Shore for the drama but I dont know any artists or have any one in my circle of influence that acts like this. This show lost me long ago. One more thing, wtf happened to Dave Navvaro? He WAS an incredible influence and insperation to many young musicians and now he sold out to reality shows? It would be one thing if he just hosted a legit Ink show without the drama and without the artificial insight of what good work is.
  8. I feel punching this guy in the hair would be good therapy for me.
  9. I am a fairly social person but do not like talking about my tattoos with those that I feel are just being nosey. My standard answer... Them," Hey where did you get those tattoos?" Me, "prison" Although my work I think is exceptional and def not prison work(Ive never attended!) this response typically pushes people way from me while they make sure they still have their wallet and/or purse. If you want to be flat out mean and are in a bad mood....When they ask "Did it hurt"....just reply, "not as much as the sex I traded it for."
  10. Thanks Rob, I miss NY some days but most days I wouldnt give up the peace n quiet out here. The outline from the toes to knee sleeve was 12+ hours and the color/shading was another easy 12+ hours. I still have to get the pheonix colored and some touch up but I feel that will be a breeze. The artist is a good firend of mine and has been in the business for 12 years and is and will be a condender.
  11. What works for me may not work for you. Having several tattoos I have always applied original Noxema and rinsed completely to cleanse for the first 3 days in the shower instead of using soap. After 3 days of healing, I then use original Noxema (in the tub container), add a few drops of water and apply directly until the skin is restored. My color stays beautiful and it I would like to believe it heals a bit quicker.
  12. Last night had my entire lower leg(knee down) and foot colored....I should have known better as when I had the outline done I could barley stand for the next 4 days. Today I am sporting a very fat foot, a calf that I do not recognize and a saweet cankle.
  13. Day after 12 hour color session of entire lower leg and foot. Cankled
  14. Idahoink

    After outline

    Day after 12 hour session of Pheonix outline and entire lower leg
  15. Idahoink

    Outline of pheonix

    Outine complete on the front
  16. Pheonix drawing on leg - beginning a 12+ hour session
  17. Idahoink


    Hello to all. Ran across the sight tonight and thought why not. A former Marine in my early 40's and glad to be alive at this point. I am not new to tattoos as I have several and am currently working on an arm sleeve and leg sleeve. I just sat for my second 12+ hour session that started above my toes on the left foot and to my knee and completely wraps around leg. It is a very colorful tattoo with lots of detail. It is a Pheonix rising from the ashes engulfed in blue and orange flame with a large star on the calf I can hardley put weight on my left leg today as I think my session was a bit to long. Anyway, I'll get some pics up and I appreciate you having me.
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