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Everything posted by beez

  1. Curious, with the rise of decentralized cryptocurrencies, if any tattoo artists have jumped on board and started accepting bitcoin? bitcoin (BTC) info
  2. I can't deal with heat, and I am a TX/OK native. Seattle life! Give me long sleeves, or give me death. #heatwimp (#hotwimp? Holla!)
  3. beez

    Jump Me In

    Damn son! You have hella good taste! A hearty welcome!
  4. Hi! Tell us a little about yourself! Got any tattoos?
  5. Actually, about that "women have a much higher tolerance" thing - I have been researching an article about pain, how the body handles pain and how each person handles the pain of getting a tattoo. I have always heard the "women have a higher pain tolerance than men" trope, and it was a given as far as my assumptions pre-research - turns out it is not strictly true! Here are a few links with some information - prob best used as a jumping off point, but interesting and helpful, to say the least! Gender Differences in Brain Responses to Pain Do men and women feel pain differently? How Women Work I know as far as pain and tattooing go for me, I concentrate on my breathing and everything is fine. It becomes warm after the initial sharp feeling, and that's that. I actually started this research because the last time I was getting tattooed one of the artists said he couldn't believe how calmly I could sit regularly for 6 hours at a time. (Really it never occurred to me to do it any differently! Hah!). I responded with the "women have higher pain thresholds than men" answer, and filed it away to research. He said he uses meditation to get through pain, and he can sit for about 4.5 hours before he's done. Hopefully it will be an interesting article when all is said and done. If anyone has cool pain info, point me to it, please!
  6. this looks like it would be fun! hadn't heard of it before. has anyone gone?
  7. Cool vacay spots! Hit me up if you guys get a booth. Maybe a small LST get together?!
  8. There is a Mr. Jack Rudy on the list! Otherwise lots of locals. Only one from SuperGenius, which is odd, I think, because Damon is the one who puts on the convention, I believe. Maybe he started it and has since sold it? And of course there is the possibility that I am misinformed. :)
  9. I've never gone to the convention, but I lived above a tattoo parlor and a few bars that hosted some of the after parties...which...is completely irrelevant? ahahaha anywho, will be interested to see who's going and what's up for this year! haven't even wandered over to see who is going to be up here.
  10. @Lucky Malony I've been following you on tumblr, you make some nice tattoos!! Holla from the PNW, and welcome to LST!
  11. Because there are NOOOO good artists in NYC or the surrounding area, none at all <super sarcastic>. Ugh. She coulda had some sick tattoos (in addition to the one @Valerie Vargas did!). And what a dickbag for messing with a customer like that (referring to a friend as a joke...oy)! IMHO, that is.
  12. Knives & Needles: Tattooer Deb Yarian... Nice, @Deb Yarian! This a great interview with great pictures! Family + food + a dash of tattoo - what more could you want? Thanks for the meatball recipe! :)
  13. beez

    i love tattoos

    I love Diamond Club. Junii has been working on a side/back/body (it just keeps getting bigger!) piece on me since this past Nov. Such a great place to be tattooed! Everyone is awesome there! And Matt is super talented, it's great to see his name pop up here. :)
  14. beez

    i love tattoos

    You've got some nice work and quite the list of artists there! Welcome to LST!
  15. I got my first AWESOME tattoo from an artist who I am reticent to go back to because I felt like there was some weirdness between us. He is an established curmudgeon, but certainly not unprofessional, but there is this lasting feeling of weird! This was 7 years ago, and I'd like to go back to get some more work from him, because I really loved the piece he did and the work is damn good, but because of this weirdness, whether it's his attitude or maybe I was just too green at the time and my nerves were off-putting to him, I haven't gone back. I did gather up my courage several years ago to go talk to him about options for what we could do around the piece, but I was so afraid of talking to him and the attitude was so fucking WEIRD that I stuttered and stumbled and ended up leaving. And to be more specific re: "weird", which I've overused in this post: gruff, unfriendly, attitudey, angry? It was really an amalgamation of adjectives that apparently I can't fully place, and though my imprecision is annoying to me, I'm gonna go with it for now. (but apologize for it: sorry re imprecision ;)). So I guess the point is that I at least want to go to someone who I am at least comfortable approaching! And as much as I'd like to get more done by this guy, whose work is excellent, it's too much stress to even go in. I do recommend him to other people though, because part of me feels like the attitude was generated by my nervousness at getting my first large, visible tattoo - if I were approaching him now, maybe I wouldn't notice it? One thing - if I hear a tattoo artist talking major shit on other artists or customers, I won't go to that person. Bad manners! Unprofessional, impolite. Bad juju for my tattoo, I think. The tattooist doesn't need to be my best friend, or chat me up the whole time (after all, they're working and I'm dealing with getting tattooed!), or even make a total 'connection' with me, but I do appreciate eye contact, a smile, basic manners, and a professional attitude. Soo...my .02.
  16. beez

    Jump Me In

    What @Delicious said. Let's see 'em!
  17. in-fucking-credible. lucky, lucky (and smart!!) you!! beautiful.
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