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Everything posted by beez

  1. Thanks much! I agree! PS I popped over into your gallery, your tattoo is coming along so VERY nicely. Gorgeous work! Almost there with this part, but we have sooo much more to go!! Next up is the Shad x Junii snake and hannya collab....I knew it was gonna be a big snake...and it keeps getting bigger. Ankle to shoulder last I heard!!!!!! I'm excited to get the rest of the back started :p
  2. Goddamn this is a good tattoo. Well done!
  3. I am STOKED for those cats. =^.^= This is probably why my dog is so chill :p
  4. You do not need to give that up! Maybe save up a bit and take a trip with your boyfriend and find an inexpensive place to stay on airbnb. You might not get it right this moment, but you will get it in 6 mos or something, no? You've spent enough time thinking about it - and placing a great deal of meaning on it - that it only seems right to get "absolutely the best tattoo in the gawddamn world" - but that is just my humble opinion. If you want something that has so much meaning and is so special to you, why consider cost? Book your appointment 8 months out and make it a game to raise money for it. If you're a broke college student, save it as your graduation gift to yourself. (To the crowd: I have a few impulse tattoos - NO REGRETS! Git 'em!). I think you have lots of options (and you've pointed out quite a few artists, too), so be stoked! We understand the trade-offs - we think that trading now for later will mean you'll get a better tattoo that you'll like more in the end. Just because you don't like what you hear doesn't mean that we aren't offering help. Again, if it's as important to you as you've said it is, then you want to take the time to sort through as many artists as you can. Good luck! You have a lot of options and a lot of suggestions to wade through, but hopefully you'll find someone awesome and go for it!
  5. My pup and I are too cute and bc I don't really do Facebook or Instagram, this is my outlet! Selfie of dog and...self. Staring adoringly at each other :p.
  6. I'm a little self conscious about posting this here bc I am super naked and super swollen - but to be fair, she DID buy me dinner before taking these pics...I'm nothing if not consistent ;). I will post better pics after the healing is done. Taken from Junii's instagram. Blue peony is on the front of thigh next to the karajishi, everything else is down the leg. Next session is at the end of April to finish connecting the waterfall and adding color to the kingyo. I was expecting only to do my thigh, adding some more rocks and peonies, and had come specifically dressed so that I would not have to reveal my lazily hairy legs (TMI? Sorry folks.) but ended up, as usual, prancing around the back of the shop naked from the waist down. Oy vey. I'll get it right one of these days ;). http://instagram.com/p/lfLoCUBbQM/ Edit: BAH, how do I get the picture inline????
  7. @Fala @TrixieFaux I'm having that breathless, panicked feeling that comes when I want something RIGHT NOW...calling is now on my to do list. (Along w other tattoos; bills, etc..patience is quite a virtue now...)
  8. When my tattoos started creeping below my skirt, I started getting huffy because I noticed more people (mostly lecherous men) staring...and then my friend made a point - did you get the tattoo expecting no one would look? It gave me pause. Until that point I could cover up my tattoos without any particular consideration given to what I wear, so I hadn't thought about getting ogled more than what you have to deal with by just being female and walking around. There have certainly been more stares, and more comments, and I've taken to wearing pants more than skirts, and that's how I deal with it. (I should add that in Seattle, tattoos aren't really out of place, so less stares, and also I tend to wear long sleeves mostly. To protect my tattoos and 'cause it's chilly here ;p). Put me in a room full of dedicated tattoo enthusiasts and I am more than happy to strip down and get stared at - because then we're all talking tattoo and looking at the art. (but c'mon, buy me dinner first ;))
  9. @irezumi @Lance @hogg there is a tower/turret in the tail....I can't see it, but I know it's there :p straight from Bill Salmon's mouth!
  10. Right?? Bill said they went over the eyes with several layers of white. I was floored :p
  11. I love all you guys and your awesome tattoos!! This is a good thread. <bows to LST for existing!>
  12. @Lance et al : PLEASE give a full report!!! Pics if allowed!! I really wish I could be there!! Junii hadn't quite yet decided the full dint of her lecture when I was there last week, so I am curious to know what she lands on. So if anyone goes, I can't wait to hear. Hopefully I can get back down to LA before September (and not October, thanks @Lance :p), because I definitely want to see in person. JEALOUS! Definitely meet up if you guys get a chance. @cltattooing and I were just discussing this over in the 'awesome things you've been doing' thread -LSTers are awesome folk. - - - Updated - - - The t-shirt helped ease me over the awkward hump at the Bay Area Convention. Because otherwise you're just people staring at people and that is kind of weird and possibly creepy until the LST connection is made. When I saw the shirt I was able to point and grunt excitedly (i was still awkward ;p) and I think that's how I met @Scott R, @ian and @cvportagee - easily identified by the shirt.
  13. @Graeme just saw this thread and feel the same way! Will be posting when at a comp!!! This just made me super happy.
  14. Hello from sometimes I'm in SF! ;p Welcome to the board!
  15. And likewise I had an awesome time with @cltattooing! She was very nice to me as I choked on ceviche. It takes a lot to be graceful in that situation, hah! Looking forward to next time :) Also I got tattooed and it was awesome and I'll post pics when I get some proper ones. Much agreed with @cltattooing - so far all of the LSTers I've met have all fallen under the category of "good people" - so here's a round of back patting for us all. :p ALSO I had some really good news that I don't quite want to voice just yet, but suffice it to say that some seriously awesome stuff is happening lately and can't wait to share it when I can do so without jinxing. :D
  16. @heathenist I just did this. 5 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday. It really wasn't that bad at all. It's not the first time I've done two days, but it is the first time I've had color put into a day old outline. Not bad at all. I was super afraid of it, but in reality it was easy peasy. Nowhere on the knee is fun though, whether it's day one or two :p
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