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Everything posted by lorie

  1. @Brock Varty...... think I will. I just like having a plan, lol,! Do you think it's trash? Or could there be possibilities to save it?
  2. My forearm has my son's name in his own printing, thinking of doing the same for my other two when they can print, or maybe a bracelet for my daughter, lol!
  3. My forearm has my son's name in his own printing, thinking of doing the same for my other two when they can print, or maybe a bracelet for my daughter, lol!
  4. My forearm has my son's name in his own printing, thinking of doing the same for my other two when they can print, or maybe a bracelet for my daughter, lol!
  5. Would like a bracelet of sorts on my wrist, and maybe a 3-d cross somewhere, lol!! It's totally expensive here to do gorgeous tatts like you all have, like thousands of dollars for a decent 1/2 sleeve.
  6. This is supposed to be a satisfying coverup of a tattoo gone bad, but I had the artist stop there as I am not sure how to fill the eyes and feather areas in with. Should I add an outline of a red heart or two? Should I get white ink added over the black to soften it. This is not a first choice of a coverup, but it was a weird shaped original tatt and this went over well. It's on the back of my neck and want it brightened up a bit and not so stark. Any ideas? Need some ideas to take to the artist. Thanks everyone - - - Updated - - - Oh and ignore the lotion. Haha!!
  7. Birth flowers........like birth month flowers. Seriously,check it out,and then no names needed.
  8. Did you guys go?!? How did it turn out??? What about the flapper lady idea you had? Need pictures!!!
  9. I know all too well how it feels to get a horrible tattoo. Some people should not be inking people's skin, that's for sure. Sorry and hope you can/got it fixed.
  10. LOL! I just had this argument the other night with a neighbour who thinks that if I have all three of my kids names tattooed on my arm, it's going to be a sleeve. He knows nothing lol!!
  11. Cool tatts you guys!!!
  12. Again, gorgeous!!! Did he use white over black by the way?? Just curious. But man, your schedule was amazing!!!!!
  13. Sweet, really cool!!!
  14. My first two tattoos were done when I was thirty. My next two when I am 44. So to me, there is no real age thing where if you don't get one by 50 you'll never get one. Rubbish!!! I also just got my ear done, on the Helix.....lol!
  15. Just goes to show one in never too old for a tattoo!! Good for her!!!!!
  16. lorie


    Hello. I amnew as well. Would love to see pictures!!!
  17. Just want to introduce myself. I am a mom of three small kids, live in Ontario Canada, have 4 tattoos, 3 I am happy with, not sure about the recent coverup. Hoping to meet people who may have advice on "fixing" tatts, advice on new tattoos and placement and just to share photos and good conversation! Looking forward to being able to join in posting!!!! Off to read some posts!!!! LOL!!!
  18. lorie

    Coverup hell

    Ignore the cream on my neck, lmao!
  19. lorie

    Coverup hell

    First pic is of original message, the second pic is of the coverup, not finished with it yet.
  20. lorie

    Coverup hell

    First pic is of original message, the second pic is of the coverup, not finished with it yet.
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