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Everything posted by Rilla

  1. In what could be considered small (town) man syndrome I will post my largest tattoo directly after my close neighbour to the north (@bongsau) most recent entry. Done by Ryan Gagne, Classic Tattoo, Red Deer, AB
  2. @guitguy @Jynarik, Thanks very much.
  3. Hey everyone, haven't posted much lately but finally have a reason to. Despite the new baby, found some time for a new tattoo. Artist Ryan Gagne, Classic Tattoo, Red Deer, AB. Thanks for checking it out.
  4. I found it funny when we had two shops open up on main street two months ago. We now have two shops in our town of 6000 people and not one piece of flash between the two. Sad.
  5. Hate to be the guy, but the silence should be deafening.
  6. Got this out of the Revisited flash book, done by Lee Brooker, Classic Tattoo, Red Deer, Alberta
  7. Yes like @Johannes said watch the interviews. All of them. Twice. At least.
  8. - - - Updated - - - @Rilla What were your experiences with your first tattoo? What age? if you don't mind me asking :) Not at all, grew up in Red Deer, was your age, but it was 1997 and as a rule shops are a little friendlier now than they were even 15 years ago (can't imagine 30). I was a skinny, scared shitless teenager so they figured it was a good time for an "artist" to do their first tattoo. Luckily it's on my shoulder blade and doesn't get seen too often. The patch can be a great place to work and make money, but it's not always for everybody, I've seen a lot of peoples plans change between 17-20. My 2 cents, I wouldn't recommend a first tattoo on a forearm. Take some time on this site, read as many of the threads as you can handle and make a decision from there. I'm 32 and this site has helped me reign some things in and go in more sensible directions, so it can probably keep helping you too. Good luck.
  9. @vPooch, you did something smart by coming on here and asking for opinions, you'll be even smarter to take the advice. This site would've helped me when I was 17. Also you'll have plenty of cash if you can stick it out in the patch for a few years.
  10. That was definitely not a specific comment, it was a generalization. Great tattoo.
  11. Not trying to be a dick but the quality of a photo goes a long way.
  12. Does anyone else here follow the CF Football programming? I built a gym in the garage last year and love the convenience and don't miss the commercial gym bullshit. Any way I enjoy the programming because there seems to be a good mix of strength/power/speed stuff happening.
  13. Had an appointment cancelled today, so that sucked.
  14. 1.)Best LST Thread: Latest Tattoo Lowdown.. crazy amount of quality 6.)How'd you find LST: Research for new tattoo, it's led me down a whole new exciting path 7.)Favorite part of the site: The forums weed out the bs pretty damn quickly, and the interviews have been great 10.)Sum up the year in one word: educational
  15. Finally got in to get my first "since LST" tattoo, by Ryan Gagne at Classic Tattoo in Red Deer, Alberta Canada, awesome artist, awesome shop.
  16. Rilla


    Eagle on my thigh by Ryan Gagne, Classic Tattoo
  17. I think Sacred Heart has a pretty good reputation from what I've heard.
  18. Where I live oil and gas is by far the biggest industry, it's steady work and pays excellent. I was a full time contractor for BP when they had the big gulf spill, while it was kind of embarrassing we were so far removed geographically that i didn't really identify with it. BP sold us to the company I currently work for and within six months of switching over these new assholes had a spill into river within an hour or so from where we live. Ever since then I've been thinking about how to get out of this mess of an industry, but it's a lot easier said than done. We have a young family, 1 year old plus another on the way, so it's kind of tough to up and leave. That being said since then we've down sized our house, sold a vehicle and hopefully started to make the transition to when I do have the chance to move on and do something that I can live with.
  19. If my kid is that big of an incoherent, inarticulate moron when he's 22 or 23 I'll tattoo his face for him to distract people from how dumb he is and how poor of a parent I was.
  20. I guess I'm not straightedge if I just had to google straightedge.
  21. I'm also loving the stout season. Canadas first modern craft brewery.
  22. Thanks, I hear ya, coming across this place a couple of months ago has been both a blessing and a curse. So many down to earth, honest members with such deadly work. I'll continue to lurk, like and learn. - - - Updated - - - Yeah i was a poor student when I lived there so tattoos weren't really a priority. At least Calgary is close for you, have you checked out Classic Tattoo in Red Deer? www.facebook.com/classictattoo403 I've got some appointments booked there in the new year, very excited.
  23. Sure did, getting sick of this already, only 4 or so months to go right. I lived in the bridge for three years, just asked my wife is she'd consider moving there.
  24. I don't want to hijack another thread so I'm just going to post my dumb thoughts on here. First of all this place is seriously addicting, there are so many good tattoos being posted it's amazing. Thank goodness I have things(responsibilities) holding me back from spending a shit load of money on travelling and tattoos. Secondly I wish I had a picture but I saw such a bad ass bald eagle this morning, it was just sitting on a deer on the side of the road with a bunch of ravens jumping around it, and it had such a 'just fucking try it' look on, made driving on these shitty snowy roads totally worth it today.
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