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Everything posted by JapSun

  1. Sorry guys I have been away for a week. I understand what you are all saying this was my intent to take the idea and get it improved thats all.
  2. The attached but took me 2s it was just giving you an idea, I live the NT 3hrs from Darwin. - - - Updated - - - It was a long shot I was just hoping some was going to go hey I know that one and blah or the web site is blah
  3. I live in AUS sadly
  4. Please excuse those links they went pretty retarted. - - - Updated - - - Unless I went back to Japan I dont think any one could capture the image perfectly
  5. Good Afternoon All, Here is my suituation.. I found a tattoo that I loved and I want to get, I gave it my usual 6mn cooling off peroid to see if I truly want that tat for ever and when I went to buy the design I could not locate the website.......... And stupid me did not save the website in my Favs. I have gone throw all my histroy and nothing. The only thing I can remember about the website is; Large list of category's A-Z on the left hand side. Back ground was a yellow/brown/gold colour. Pretty sure it had green in the heading. You had to pay for the tattoos When you selected a pic to take a closer look it didn't have the usual water marks, it had a few lines moving up and down obscuring the view. The tattoo I liked was a black rising sun with a phoenix behind it, between the sun beams the phoenix was detailed and areas where the beams over lapped was solid black. It was under the category Japanese Attached is a 2s rough design I just made, but its an idea of what I am talking about. The attach pic does it no justic as the real one is black with so much detail I will easily spend 1600 to get it done !!! Thats how bad I want it It is non of the following websites. Tattoo Design Gallery - Downloadable Tattoos - Free Ideas for Tribal, Butterfly, Dragon, Fairy, Flower, Star, Celtic, Lower Back, and More Tattoos The Tattoo Gallery - The Tattoo Gallery is one of Australia's oldest working tattoo studios Tattoos, Tattoo Designs - Gallery and tattoo ideas for Tribal, Celtic tattoos, tattoo flash and more. Best Tattoo Designs | Categorized Thousands of Tattoos Tattoo Ideas, Tattoo Designs, Online Tattoo Maker, Tattoo Pictures - TattooDesign.com I have been in contact with Tattoofinder and they said they have a huge update of their website so it might be them tho I have looked threw all there tats and no luck. If some one know the artist and knows the pic please help its freaking amazing and I want it !!!!!!
  6. HAHA Fair fair like I said its just my opinion which is like an arse hole.. Every one has one HAHAH
  7. HAHA that is really awesome !
  8. No I would not purly because how does he know how it all feels ? If your tattoo artist was rough and went deep and that how most of your were done I would assume you would tattoo like that ?
  9. Yeah :D I just like the clean look and when you throw your arms up for a stretch people go "O hey you have a tat man that looks bad add" etc etc :D Having it out all the time kinda spoils it IMO
  10. Thats is freaking sweet mate !! - - - Updated - - - Throw up some more photos
  11. Fake or not its crazy that you can get ripped off like that - - - Updated - - - Fake or not its crazy that you can get ripped off like that
  12. IMO sleeves should end at the T-shift sleeve length but thats just me.
  13. JapSun


    There is a bird in my home town who runs out of her house... O and boy is she BAD ! A lot of her tats and designs are that bad it make me never want to get a tat
  14. LOL do you think she would go off in the sack ?
  15. Winner winner chicken dinner
  16. When will it be out ?
  17. My baby sister got her first tat the other month tho I do not approve very much.. Well let me explain I dont mind at all but placement is the key IMO she got hers on the top of her forearm "Keep believing" Shes just out of school looking for a full time job and yeah the old saying you can not judge a book by its cover... yeah I think shes screwed
  18. G'day all I am new here. I joined because I have not gotten at tattoo YET. You know when you can not find that perfect tat... Yep thats me, I find somthing I like then I sit on it for a few months and when I come back to it im just over it, So I am hoping I can find that perfect tat one day. So lets talk tats and I might muster up the (Insert word here) and get one one day.
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