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Brock Varty

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Posts posted by Brock Varty

  1. That will vary between tattooer and shops. Some charge a drawing fee and others don't. Often a drawing fee is a way of keeping them from wasting time on a drawing and then having the client bail out.

    Edit: I saw you were thinking about a tree. Trees are really cool and work well as tattoos in most cases. I wanted to give you a heads up, that depending on the style of tree, some tattooers may prefer to draw it on your skin so that it fits the form of your body properly. Be open to that idea.

  2. I think most of the kind folks here will point you to reputable tattooers in your area. Decide what you like for subject matter and then decide on a good tattooer and you will be well on your way. Remember that a reputable and competent tattooer will help you turn your ideas into a tattooable design. You don't need to have a final design in hand when you go check out tattooers.

  3. Beautiful. Don't forget to add the part about "setting" the new tattoo immediately after removing the plastic wrap.

    To set your new tattoo, simply have a friend or acquaintance open their hand, place it over the tattoo, raise the hand in line with their shoulder, and, rotating at the elbow, bring down hand with as much force as possible onto the new tattoo. This will ensure that your tattoo will be permanent. It may take as many as three times.

    If proper setting can't be obtained by the common "Hand Power" method, there are a number of other methods to try.

    1. Have a friend hit you with a 2"x4" piece of wood until said wood breaks in half.

    2. Have a friend hire Chuck Norris to roundhouse kick the new tattoo.

    3. Have a friend find other friends to form an assembly line of slaps.

    4. Run as fast as you can into a sturdy brick wall(being sure the tattoo makes contact with said sturdy brick wall).

    5. Build a trebuchet at least 37 feet tall. Load one end with a VW Beattle and the other with a large rock. Practice until you know where the rock lands when trebuchet is activated. Stand in that spot.

    6. Call me for further instruction.

  4. I think to some degree you have a point. At some point you probably would come across the "you don't love me more than tattoos" argument. I will try to say this without sounding like a chauvinist pig, but the problem I find is most of the girls I find that are truly are into tattoos are tattooers are tattoo collecters and they are so few of them, there are plenty of girls who have tons of tattoos, but they are either groupies who only date tattooers (Nothing like a STD from your competition) or part of a scene or they just have tattoos and maybe aren't that into hanging in shops or studying tattooing. I guess my point is I think if you find someone who can understand your passion and maybe has one of thier own, even if that passion isn't tattooing it could work out just as well.

    Well said advice David. You bring a very good point to light.

  5. I think I've got it bad, because I haven't even begun with my first tattoo and am planning/dreaming for the next one. I've decided I want a Tibetan skull somewhere and thought a huge one on my back would be cool. I stumbled upon a thread where you mentioned Kore was doing one on you. Have you started it or have any pictures?

    I just got back yesterday from a week at PluraBella. Worked on my back and a good friends back. I have about 20 hours into mine...i'll get some current pictures soon.

  6. So...what happens to tattooing if not a single tattooer takes on an apprentice? What are the immediate and long term effects of the same pool of people being the sole practicioners(i'm gonna take a wild guess and say I spelled that fucked up) in an industry?

    I have already made my view fairly clear, as have many others, but what about tattooing as a whole...what happens?

  7. Your cats are assholes though haha!

    Awesome thing i have been doing? Hitchiked to my hometown in the Netherlands yesterday with my girlfriend. We made it in 15 hours. First time in 2 months since I've been home. Feels good to be back. We will be here for about 2 weeks and next month we will pay @Johannes a visit again. Hanging out with him will guarantee the best of times!

    Now, if you could figure out how to get to the States for free...I'll be here for ya buddy!

  8. I am thinking of a black and grey phoenix to start with!

    If you are williong to go to London, there are several options well worth the time and money.

    Into You Tattoo & Piercing / London & Brighton - Location in Brighton and London

    Frith Street Tattoo | World famous Frith street tattoo, custom tattoos situated in the heart of Soho, London. Walk ins welcome! - Several people here have work from several of the tattooers at Frith St. All world class options here.

    Those are the two that come to mind. Kinda busy today so I can't get real deep into options. I recommend checking out those shops and their artists.

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