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Brock Varty

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Posts posted by Brock Varty

  1. Hold it. Are you trying to tell me that you don't want to hear about how their faded tribal koi fish riding a unicorn the size of a dime on their shoulder blade reminds them of the frog that ran away when they were three years old????? You probably don't want to hear about their plans to get "tatted up" with a full body suit that they are planning to get done by the guy that does their brother-in-laws next door neighbor's scratching in his basement weekends when he's out of prison on work release. What kind of heartless person are you? :-)

    I think I like you.

  2. If you present yourself to others in a respectful, clear, and impressive manner...visible tattoos do not matter. I don't want to work for someone who would not include me in a job opportunity because of my ink. Mind you, I have nothing that can't be covered, but I am sleeved. I have NEVER covered my arms in any way and no one has ever said a single negative thing to me about it. I currently work in a fairly liberal company so take what I am saying with that grain of salt. If you are a smart and sharp person...ink will not matter.

    Edit: I am getting my hand done in the next couple of months and I have zero reservations about it. Like I said before..I am absolutely commited to tattoos/tattooing/ etc. Even if it means I lose a job or have trouble finding one.

  3. I used to keep a book of bad tattoos people came in to have covered. There was an abundance of work by the same people. Sometimes when talking to people they tell you other shops they have went to or are thinking of checking out and if they seemed cool we would show them the book and stop them from going to certain shops. Until one day someone wrote a bad review of one of these shops on a review site and referenced our book of bad tattoos (even included shop name). Next day someone wrote a fake review about our shop, citing poor work and that they did a lot of cover up work from our shop, they also were trying to say that they were scarred after the tattoo but don't know how to spell so it says "the tattoo scared them". I wrote a short response but it's not the popular review site so I don't think many people have seen it even to this day. Needless to say we don't show that book much these days, and that shop has since gone out of business and owner left town. I would say that is the most snobby thing I have done.

    The area I live in is a chain of towns with roughly 110,000 people in the area. There are 19 tattoo shops in the city and that isn't counting appointment only shops. 19 street shops!!! Needless to say, the kind of behaviour you outlined in your post is something that happens every day where I live. There are only two or three people with quality work in town and only one who tattoos me. Everyone else is only tattooing for the money it seems. I would think that a shop owner would realise that this behaviour loses them clients. It is like a tv show with all of the drama...and to be honest...it makes the good tattooers look bad. It makes all tattooers and shops look bad.

  4. Negative, I do believe it's Dean Sacred from NZ.

    Ahhh...shows you how much I know!

    On a quick, unrelated note, is there a central list of tattooers Instagram names somewhere on the site? I know I am subscribed to about 150 different well known artist and I wanted to share that info if there is not something already like that.

  5. You can see the beginning of my sleeve even with a long sleeve shirt on. As much as I love tattoos and tattoo culture...I sometime don't like to entertain people and show them the rest of my arm. It isn't that I don't want to let them see...its more like after a million times it gets old.

    On another note, the overly positive responses that border on mocking are what I do not care for. It's like some people think that being overly positive will make them part of some "tattoo friendly club".

  6. We will expect many photos of that Flatmo piece (and the one you currently have in progress).

    Oh, and welcome!

    Oh, pictures will be taken. I'll be sure to share. I'll have some good shots of my arm in a couple weeks. I know that lots of people like Japanese stuff and I like to think my arm is a pretty dang good piece. When I get concept studies from Kore I will post them up. Should be incredible...

    I'm happy to have been greeted by you guys! Thanks for the welcome...

  7. Hey everyone...

    I am Brock from Nothern Wisconsin. I have always loved tattoos but have gotten serious about it in the last year and a half. I go in for the final session on my right arm tomorrow. A fellow by the name of Tim Morris is doing a pretty traditional Japanese sleeve for me.

    Through him I discovered Kore Flatmo and actually am starting a full back/ass/right leg project with Kore in January... Kore directed me here and I gotta say that I love it. I have been lurking for a couple weeks and I hope that I can make a meaningful contribution to the tattoo community.

    Would love to talk to people and get to know everyone...

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