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Everything posted by Johannes

  1. Hi Dan from Sacramento(I guess that's where you're from considering your name)! Hope you'll enjoy this forum...alot of interresting reads, some funny, some stupid but thats just how it goes! And hell yeah, interview vids, check em out...and of course, welcome!
  2. harry878, get some really scary biker falsh, skulls, swastikas...whatnot you know, then she'll mind that and not the dragons! pugilist, the catwall i've heard about is going to happen right?
  3. Hi Neil and welcome! Hope you'll find LST as useful as I did! Make sure you check the interview vids and enjoy!
  4. start smoking crack! bam! and 10 years have gone by and you stay fit!!!
  5. "it's real helpful if you develop ocd" sounds useful in a tattoo shop yes
  6. everyone on this forum has probably figured out that i like eagles but...you know..thats a huge eagle! i kinda fell in love with it right now! (no, earlier when i saw it on IG)
  7. not so bored right now but i'm sipping on some whiskey and listening to some old inbred bluegrass music! so yeah i might get drunk! anyone got an extra banjo to spare by the way?
  8. kinda bored, should i get drunk tonight?
  9. actually, running more than 50 meters(yeah i'm european)to catch a bus is considered olympic stuff... - - - Updated - - - alcohol happens to be what we scandinavians happens to know by heart so...but yeah you're welcome anytime, even christmas!
  10. shawnporter, seems like it's going the right direction then! fuckin awesome!
  11. Just said good-bye to ChrisVK and put him on a boat to denmark. a bunch of days with beers, talking shit and just having a awesome time. good guy that dutch fellow!
  12. ahh ye good olde slayer! - - - Updated - - - and RIP jeff hanneman
  13. a pbr in my hand waiting for chrisvk to arrive in my town
  14. please inform me and everyone else how to fuck a pair of glasses. it's a need-to-knower!
  15. ooor maybe people don't check in every thread all the time? there are like thousands of them...but yeah it's a good looking tattoo! don't be a hater! be a lover!
  16. i do prefer trad. but come on, a hitler zombie can't go wrong and if someone seriously thinks you're racist or nazi or whatevs for having it....too bad for them! i like!
  17. just got ahold of all five tattoo time magazines/books/whetever for roughly 50 bucks....all original and in good condition. thats my most awesome thing lately!
  18. just realized i haven't been writing in this thread for a while....so happy 420 a couple of days late and here we go, wake'n'bake, black sabbath, morning coffee....
  19. mmikaoj, dude you should've let me know you were in my hometown. i live across the street from classic tattoo. if you come again, the coffee and kanelbulle is on me! LST for life.
  20. maiden!!! fuck yes! seventh son is their best album. but you have to listen to their earlier stuff to even be close to like seventh son...i used to have this loooong ranting about that album and it's greatness! easier in swedish haha
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