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Lori Todd

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Everything posted by Lori Todd

  1. Spur of the moment decision when my artist posted on Instagram that he had many cancellations and was open ... Had been thinking of getting a nurse head / rose of no man's land for a while so I had him draw something up. Love her! Here she is, super fresh and a little beat up looking: By Steve Whittenburger at Rock-a-billy Tattoos in South Florida. And yeah, she already has some stubble ... Like I said, I hadn't planned on this when my day got started. lol.
  2. n00b here. Headed to NYC at the end of Sept. and lined up an appt w/ Mike Adams for a wolf head of lady head. Can't wait. Going to Richmond, VA and DC in October and on the look out for some rad artists there - so if anyone has any suggestions, holler. --------- lori
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