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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Or a Charles Maggio portrait?
  2. If anybody is reading this before going to the convention today and is willing to pick up some merch from Horitomo and mail it to me, please get in touch. I will paypal you money immediately.
  3. I'm jealous of all of you who are going. Take lots of pictures please.
  4. Graeme

    Hey all!

    Have you looked into lightening it up with some laser first? Quite a few LST users have had good luck with laser. Generally though, I'd suggest consulting with an artist to see what he or she recommends.
  5. I downloaded it to take a look at it and then deleted it because I don't see it being at all useful. I don't see it having any advantage over something like Yelp, which is pretty shit for finding out about tattoo shops anyway because it seems like everybody who writes shop reviews on there is a moron, but at least I can use it to find something to eat when I'm travelling. I'll continue using LST as my tattoo guide.
  6. I always wanted a scrotum full of coins. The Horrifying Necropants Of Iceland - disinformation
  7. Given the tattoos that I see 21 year olds getting, I'm going to say 35.
  8. The problem with the idea of tattoos needing to have meaning is that it usually seems like the design of the tattoo is overlooked in favour of its meaning, which more often than not leads to bad tattoos. I literally have no idea what "A Beautiful Chaos on my front shoulder with almost water color looking glass" would look like, or even what it is. Maybe there is a tattoo artist somewhere who could take that idea and do something great with it, but then again, maybe not. I'm going to suggest that based on what you've written here about the tattoo you have that you had a profound experience last weekend. There is something about tattooing, something about willingly putting a permanent mark on your body, that had a deep effect on you in ways that you might not be able to articulate. It brought you out of your regular routine into an unfamiliar and exciting world, it made you feel strong and beautiful, it made you feel like regardless of what other things are going on in your life and around you that you have some measure of control. Or maybe other things, or maybe none of them. I'm also going to suggest that you would have had this experience regardless of what you had tattooed on you. You would have felt similar things if it was a rose, or a swallow, or a dragon. That's where the meaning of tattoos is. Obviously you still need to choose imagery that appeals to you, but if you want to convey a sense of beauty there is no shortage of tattooable imagery that works for that...you can absolutely never go wrong with birds and flowers, for example. You'll end up with a far better tattoo that way.
  9. I don't have anything booked until I start my back next summer so it's tempting. Not having any tattoos coming up before that is starting to bother me.
  10. Welcome to LST and to getting tattooed! In my opinion, that image isn't tattooable because there are far too many small details in it. Lines will spread over time and so you'll eventually lose all the individual elements and just end up with a black silhouette of a phone.
  11. Welcome to LST!
  12. Graeme

    Hey all!

    Welcome to LST! I saw a few pictures from the Calgary convention on instagram and it seemed like there was a lot of good tattooing going down last weekend. What kind of advice are you looking for?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rVLguwR5o8 That Natas Kaupas? Dude, that is cool as fuck.
  14. I love the logic where you're like...well, I don't really need a tattoo, but it would be irresponsible for me to not get one given this opportunity. I'm jealous, I'd love to get tattooed by El Monga. One day, I hope.
  15. You could have started an intro thread to properly introduce yourself and ask this question instead of spamming the forum with inane, throwaway posts to get enough posts to start a new thread.
  16. When I was new to Glasgow I got some of the most valuable advice somebody could ever get about that place (this was from a barmaid at a pub while I was retracing my steps hoping vainly that I'd somehow dropped my wallet somewhere and that it hadn't been stolen), which was that 90% of the people in Glasgow will be the kindest, friendliest, most warm-hearted people you will ever meet, but that the other 10% are complete and utter bastards. That still seems about right.
  17. Welcome Dan, who have you been tattooed by?
  18. I guess, but I think that ultimately that if the person getting tattooed is given advice about the correct direction and they insist on it, it's on them. Tattoos are a statement and if what they want to put out into the world is that they're a self-absorbed moron who can't take good advice, then fuck 'em.
  19. Welcome to the forum!
  20. I got tickets to see Neurosis in January and I am super stoked.
  21. You joke (maybe?) but a couple of weeks ago I saw a girl on the street with a collar rocker done backwards, presumably so she could read it in the mirror.
  22. Welcome, now post pictures of your tattoos.
  23. Welcome, we'd love to see pictures of your tattoos!
  24. This isn't an insect, but it does fall into the tiny tattoos that make me happy every time I see them category: A tiny baphomet by Seth Wood, done a little over a year ago. He did a Necronomicon on me previously and I saw him after it was finished and he said he wasn't satisfied with the tattoo because the pages in the book were blank and he wanted to put some illustrations in them. I suggested a twenty-sided die and he did the rest, including that little baphomet that he drew on with a sharpie...I didn't even know what it was going to be until it was there. It makes me happy because it's this kind of secret tattoo that not many people know about. It's one of my favorites and I'd love to get more little things like this.
  25. Thomas recommended taking Aleve when we finished my arm to deal with the pain and to fight off any fever that can come with long, brutal sessions.
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