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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Not saying that my job doesn't have more than its fair share of bullshit and office politics but I am glad as fuck that I don't work in the corporate world.
  2. Speaking not as a tattooer it seems like you have too many ideas for the sleeve, but I would bring them up in the consult anyway, not so much to say that you want everything in it, but to let him know different directions you're willing to go and then letting him design a great tattoo from that. You're going to a great artist and I'm sure you're going to get something fantastic. Please keep us updated, and welcome.
  3. I was pretty disappointed with OM when I saw them last week. They played, in my opinion, a bad venue for heavy music because they can't seem to do sound well for metal bands. OM was reduced to a distorted low end rumble. Hope it's better for you. Dan Higgs was really fantastic though.
  4. Welcome to LST. Take a look in the gallery section of this site and in the design section of the forums because there are a lot of great tattoos and ideas there and hopefully something there will inspire you. Let us know how it goes.
  5. Mgla ended up having immigration troubles and couldn't get into the country which is a shame because I wanted to see them. They're supposed to be back in March though. Black Witchery was really good. Kind of bummed I missed Revenge on Friday night but I'm too old to go to shows after working a twelve hour shift when I have to be back at work in the morning. I need to sleep sometime and shit.
  6. That's awesome about Darcy Nutt. I've never seen any of her tattoos in the flesh, but from pictures they look phenomenal. What are you getting from her?
  7. Those thighs are so tough.
  8. Aah I saw that on Instagram and I love it. So good.
  9. Scott Harrison's story about the tattoo is great but what about the panda scroll?
  10. And now that spot seems to be the ribs. I hated getting my inner bicep tattooed but it wasn't so bad that I'm not going to do it again on the other arm. Men need to stop being such wimps.
  11. This was so great and we're so lucky that we get five episodes of it too.
  12. Seeing these guys this weekend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrysift2bRg
  13. I work twelve hour shifts brewing beer and I'm usually physically and mentally exhausted at the end of my day, I can't even imagine what tattooing that long is like.
  14. Three words: Japanese squid pants. And welcome!
  15. There's an interesting bit in the second video about line weight. I have a tattoo from Tony D'Annessa and the lines in it are pretty fine, certainly a lot finer than you see on contemporary traditional tattoos.
  16. Also in Plymouth there's Forrest at Cobra Custom Tattoo.
  17. A bunch of guys who have been around a long time sitting down and talking sounds good to me.
  18. Welcome to LST, some great advice above, and also take a look at the section of these forums about coverups and removal: Tattoo Removal or Coverup | General Tattoo Forum | Last Sparrow Tattoo
  19. When I was growing up my granny and grandpa had a bunch of black light posters in their basement from when my mom, aunt, and uncle were growing up and one of them was of a panther and I'd say that stuff like that is probably the main underlying reason why I'm drawn to a lot of this imagery in the first place. So yeah, not a diss at all!
  20. Courteousness is key. It shouldn't matter who you are, how many tattoos you have, what you're getting, etc., you should be treated with courtesy. There are so many great tattoo artists out there that I can't be bothered by getting tattooed by someone who is rude or is a dick. It's also bad business sense. A couple of years ago my wife @Pugilist emailed a very good local tattoo artist about getting a tattoo (for what it's worth, it wasn't the easiest tattoo request) but instead of just saying that he wasn't interested in doing it, he sent a really assholey reply...though, curiously enough, he didn't actually say he didn't want to do it. It was probably good in the long run that he did that because that got her looking into travelling for tattoos, which led her to Stephanie Tamez at Saved who is completely amazing both as a tattooer and as a human being, and who is now doing a full back piece on her. There's a few thousand dollars that the first guy potentially deprived himself of. Obviously, that courteousness goes both ways. To me, that means appreciating the fact that tattooers are often busy and might not respond to my emails as quickly as I'd ideally like, that appointments often run late, that when they suggest something it's often to make a better tattoo, and so on and so forth.
  21. I think Shirts and Destroy sells big posters of his flash too, though not the set I think you're talking about. Link here: http://shirtsanddestroy.com/ron_henry_wells
  22. Thank you and I am very lucky.
  23. Nice list, any pictures of the tattoos? Welcome to LST!
  24. Might as well post this here: The start of my sleeve by Thomas Hooper. Two hours in at this point, next session in January.
  25. Nice bold and solid tattoos there on your IG, welcome to LST.
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