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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. Tattoos are tattoos and they're all going to fade and spread over time, style has nothing to do with it.
  2. Speaking of placement @Delicious you're lopsided and need another lady head!
  3. That tiger and snake battle rules! I love how huge it is and how it takes up most of your back. O'Donnell does some of the best tigers in tattooing, in my opinion.
  4. @Ducky15568 take a look at this thread about negative space between tattoos and spacing between them: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/tattoo-designs-books-flash/818-tattoo-silhouette-negative-space.html Ultimately it comes down to what you want but it might be better for the readability of your tattoos if you just give them space to breathe. You have plenty of open skin to cover before you need to add background.
  5. Welcome! I lived in Glasgow for about three years, it was before I had tattoos though. I miss that place sometimes...and sometimes I really don't.
  6. It's an app that makes you feel old and out of touch.
  7. Welcome to the forum. Snakes fill every gap.
  8. What's a 1/4 sleeve? Is that a shoulder tattoo?
  9. Everything in that O'Donnell book is going to be rad.
  10. I bet you and @reverend1 are blood brothers now!
  11. I'll be hitting the ditch soon and I think I'll be keeping the tattoo wrapped overnight! Thanks for the heads up because that sounds gnarly.
  12. I served Coca Cola to Josh Homme once. He is very tall and I wasa little bit star struck because I like Kyuss. Huge guitar tone there.
  13. The swelling and pain was okay, it's just that it heals way slower than the rest of the tattoo. Looks pretty good so far in terms of holding the black though, knock on wood.
  14. King Diamond head or you're BANNED. He just relocated to Berlin and opened up shop there, I have no idea anything beyond that though.
  15. I guess we go to different galleries because this stuff looks like the presumably student-created ads I see on public transportation for the local graphic design school.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ac5vyhxWk4
  17. If you click "Go Advanced" next to "Post Quick Reply" you can upload pictures directly to here. I also find tinypic.com to work well.
  18. Oh man, His Hero Is Gone was my favorite ever. Saw them in '98 when they were touring on Fifteen Counts of Arson (that album scared the shit out of me then and it scares the shit out of me now) and they killed it so hard. Yannick was really sick and wasn't playing guitar with them so they played for only something like twelve minutes but they were absolutely CRUSHING. I've never seen a drummer play like that. He was doing double kick style drumming with only one kick pedal, and he hit fucking hard too. When they broke up I decided that I didn't care about hardcore anymore and never bought a hardcore record again. I used to really want to get that skeletal bird on the cover of the HHIG Fool's Gold 7" as a tattoo, glad I never did though.
  19. Haha yeah I have that record too, such a badass record. Chris Colohan from Left For Dead later sang for Cursed. I think the best Canadian hardcore from that era came from Quebec. Union of Uranus, One Eyed God Prophecy, Drift, Ire...I still listen to that stuff.
  20. I feel that Virginia Elwood and Robert Ryan have recently (actually I think the Virginia one might go back to September or October) posted great Ganesh tattoos on their instagrams.
  21. I think you are literally the second person I have ever heard talk about Shallow North Dakota. A friend of mine was way into them, maybe he still is, but I don't know anybody else who ever listened to them.
  22. Looks great, who is doing it? I hear you on getting worn out. I'm working on a sleeve as well at the moment and I have more big work booked but I'm thinking of seeing if I can push the appointments for my next tattoo back a few months to just give myself a little break. I knew that a sleeve was going to be a huge commitment, but I don't think I really understood what that meant until I actually started it.
  23. I would think that money would be a huge issue with being in a relationship with somebody who didn't approve of tattoos because it's so expensive, especially when it involves travel. Awesome that he gets it though.
  24. The elbow. Getting it tattooed was fine, healing it sucks.
  25. Yep, they were both from Ontario. I grew up out west and things were way more regional in those days so the big local band was Strain and we were generally more connected to the West Coast thing with bands like Undertow, Unbroken, and a bit later Botch, and Trial and stuff like that. There was lots of Vancouver to Seattle driving for shows.
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