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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. I just looked up and read your winning story, awesome!
  2. That totally depends on the brewery. A lot of places use isinglass, which is made from fish swim bladders, as a clarification agent, but there are many other ways of clarifying beer, such as adding irish moss (carrageenan) to the kettle, dosing in PVPP (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone), silica xerogels or hydrogels, centrifuging, filtration though various media including diatomaceous earth, or paper or fabric cartridges. Usually various combinations of these are used. Isinglass is a bit difficult to work with, and there's a worldwide supply shortage of it at the moment which is making it expensive, so I think you'll see breweries looking for different ways of clarifying beer. Though I recently heard of a vegetable-derived isinglass that is just as effective, less expensive, and vegan-friendly. I haven't used it though.
  3. I love that tattoo. That's the kind of tattoo that makes me want to be your friend because there's no way you can have that and not be a cool guy.
  4. No need to apologise for posting that!
  5. Also, Chris O'Donnell's tattoos look so much better in person than in photos. Granted, that is most tattoos (though I have seen some that look better in photos and that's pretty wack) but the thought that this actually looks way better in real life is super rad.
  6. That's pretty much how things are already. Maybe not no-wage, but there are plenty of people willing to take shit wages because it's beer. And then half of them realise that brewing is actually industrial labour, about 80% of which consists of cleaning things, and then they quit and find something else to do.
  7. I'm a brewer and recently started brewing in a brewpub (not the sort of place that attracts beer nerds though) after nearly five years in production brewing and maybe it's because I'm not very used to interacting with the general drinking public, but I'm constantly amazed at how little people know about beer...which would be fine except for that so many of these people pretend to know things. Like probably about two or three times a week as I'm milling grain or shovelling out the mash at the end of lautering or whatever, people will watch me work and then talk to themselves about how those are hops because it's like the only ingredient in beer they know is hops. If I'm not too busy I try to educate people if they're interested and show them the raw materials and let them smell and touch them and try to leave them with a better understanding of brewing than they had when they came into the pub, but yeah, most people have no clue.
  8. Oh shit that's awesome!
  9. John Sultana who tattoos at Saved instagrammed this sheet of roses that is going to be in a book of rose flash that will be published by Zach Nelligan and Ezra Haidet. I think this is super cool:
  10. A tattoo shop without photoshop, the horror!
  11. Graeme

    Hello, LST!

    Welcome to LST! The amount of amazing tattooers in NYC is incredible. We'd love to see pictures of your tattoos.
  12. This series of videos has been cracking me up:
  13. Graeme


    Don't get tattooed.
  14. Why would an artist disrespect their client by letting another tattooer do that same custom design? Please let's keep this forum to real-life things instead of strange flights of the imagination.
  15. PLEASE we don't need to resurrect old Bubbleberry threads.
  16. The article says "Rihanna opted for an Egyptian-inspired ribcage tattoo as one of the many that she and Bang Bang have collaborated on." BUT, that tattoo was done by Valerie Vargas: Frith Street Tattoo | Rihanna Tattooed by Valerie at Frith Street If isn't just sloppy so-called journalism and that this punk is taking credit for other people's work...
  17. Hi Lynelle and welcome to LST. Tattoo artists tend to be pretty good at drawing and placing tattoos, if you let us know where you live we can suggest some quality artists in your area.
  18. What you do with your tattoo is up to you, but I think that tattoos look cool with age.
  19. Todd Noble Tom of Finland heads:
  20. By Nick Colella:
  21. What I was trying to get at earlier in this thread is that you need to be able to develop the skills to look through those pictures and be able to tell yourself what is or isn't good tattooing. Guen Douglas wrote a great guide on how to assess a portfolio for the Tattoo Artist Magazine blog, read it: Guen Douglas: How to Properly Examine a Tattoo Portfolio | TAM Blog Read the thread here about http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/2396-what-makes-good-tattoo.html Look at the tattoos posted here in the Latest Tattoo Lowdown, in the monthly contests, and compare and contrast them with the work those shops are putting out.
  22. Me and @Pugilist are moving in a month but before we do that we're going to stop in at the shop around the corner and pick something rad off the wall. We're considering what @JeffK did with his lady and choose something for each other but I'm not sure there's enough trust in our marriage for that.
  23. Dude, you posted it first on post #3828, and then when it didn't get any likes or comments you quoted that post asking people what they thought of it in post #3844. That's begging for attention.
  24. For me, it isn't the tattoo, it's the begging for comments and attention. Sure, it's really nice to get flattering comments or a whole bunch of "likes" on instagram or whatever, but that shouldn't be what it's about.
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