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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. You are a LOT nuts. I am kind of jealous of you though.
  2. Are you and your wife coming to the Montreal convention this year? Does being healthy exclude you from spending an evening drinking beer and eating poutine?
  3. I just find a lot of that stuff...DIJ, Sol Invictus, Of The Wand and the Moon, etc...to be really one-dimensional. It gets boring. Current 93 has so much going on musically and lyrically that listening to it is sort of like trying to figure out a puzzle and there's always something new there, especially when you start looking into the references David Tibet is making. There's whole worlds in those songs.
  4. We can, but to be honest, I kind of think Death in June sucks. Current 93 is really the only neo folk group I care that much about.
  5. Absolutely, man! Current 93 was the main reason I lived in Glasgow from 2004-2006. They were playing the Instal festival at the Arches in Glasgow and I was in a place in my life where I wasn't really doing anything else so I ended up staying and working in Glasgow for a couple of years. David Tibet was living there at the time too...I saw him at the grocery store doing his shopping.
  6. HP Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E Howard and in general a lot of that Weird Tales stuff Thomas Ligotti The music of Current 93 Frank Frazetta Michael Whelan Greg Irons Arthur Rackham Gustave Dore Folklore and mythology Cosmological drawings Ernst Haeckel So many things really.
  7. I just saw them, great tattoos and thank you for sharing them.
  8. Welcome, who is doing your tattoos and can we see pictures?
  9. This is a painting of a skull and a book because HP Lovecraft.
  10. Nothing to add, but I am excited to see how this thread develops and this will also let you post another three videos.
  11. One guy who I don't think I've seen much mention of here but who I've really been digging on instagram is Ishmael Johnson who tattoos in Fort Collins, CO. Some tattoos of his stolen from his instagram:
  12. @cltattooing Please do send a critique!
  13. Graeme


  14. Here's where I'm at so far. It's still super rough, I need to actually figure out where the light source is and put the highlights and shadows in the correct places, and a million other things, but I'm still working things out and just enjoying it:
  15. Style, not really. Tattoos tend to look a certain way for a reason and while I think there are some artists who can push the boundaries of what a tattoo looks like, I think it's important to recognize the constraints and limitations of skin, and part of that means that you can't do just anything with a tattoo and expect it to age well. I think the tendency as of late towards "watercolor" style tattoos is an example of that: I think that some people's tattoos in that style may be okay, I'm thinking in particular of Amanda Wachob's tattoos because they're abstract and don't rely on readability in the way that something figurative does, but a pastel-coloured bird with no black outline...forget it, that's nothing in five years. As for subject matter, pretty much anything is game as long as it can be tattooed as a strong image.
  16. It's so fun. And yeah, really hard too and something that rewards patience, which is also hard for me (but probably good) but I'm really enjoying messing around and trying things out. Thank you as well to @cltattooing for giving me some advice and tips about oil painting.
  17. I started painting with oils last weekend. I've wanted to for a while now but didn't feel that I had enough space and ventilation to do it before. You gotta die somehow, right?
  18. Graeme


    Welcome. Who is doing your tattoos? Please feel free to watch the tattoo artist interviews as well as the many threads on the forum.
  19. So cool, I love that.
  20. Dude, sentences and punctuation please.
  21. One of the best ways to deal with not being totally satisfied with your tattoos, or being nitpicky about them or whatever is to get more tattoos.
  22. Graeme

    Good evening

    Welcome, do you have any pictures of your tattoos? We'd love to see.
  23. A guy came into my work wearing this shirt: Of course swag doesn't come cheap and that's why you're wearing a $30 t-shirt from Foot Locker and not a Rolex, fool.
  24. Okay @SStu I bet you wouldn't get something from that Born Weird book. I DARE you to. Did I do that right, guys?
  25. "Eyeballs and laser beams", that made me laugh. Welcome!
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