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Everything posted by Graeme

  1. I had a weird glitch where if I got close to the starting point for a mission for Michael it would disappear and then reappear once I went far enough away from it. I couldn't switch between characters either. I think what happened was that I quit my previous game too soon after completing a mission, because eventually Michael automatically made some phone calls that I assume he should have made not long after that previous mission, and once he'd done that everything was fine again. @slayer9019 good tip on the online play. I couldn't get it to work anyway because of, I assume, volume on their servers but now I know to wait. I bet the DLC expansions for this will be great too.
  2. Please read the forum FAQ, especially the part about how this forum is NOT for asking questions about how to become a tattooer.
  3. Awesome! I love a good morph!
  4. 11 hours! I can't even imagine. I'm going to stick to non-realistic tattoos, thank you very much, because sitting that long is for tougher people than me.
  5. Graeme

    Book thread

    @RoryQ I'm currently reading Deadhouse Gates and I find it MUCH better than Gardens of the Moon.
  6. Dave Lum-style collar of dicks.
  7. Graeme

    New girl

    Nice tattoo you posted and welcome!
  8. I don't think this place is for you.
  9. Welcome to LST, who is tattooing your back?
  10. Ron learned to tattoo at Anonymous if I'm not mistaken so that's where the similarity comes from. Completely agreed with Ron's ships being great too.
  11. That is a serious claim to make...but those are some really damned fine clipper ships.
  12. I haven't been getting tattooed for very long and I don't have a lot of tattoos so I don't think that my opinion carries much weight, and nor should it, but can we have a bit of outlaw spirit in tattooing still please? It's cool that the people here for the most part are pretty average people with regular jobs, families, and lives and that the one badass thing we do is get tattooed, and while I can't speak for everybody here, I at least would like it if this part of my life could be removed from the realm of legal responsibilities and obligations and the rest of that dreary world. Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions. If you have any questions about aftercare, especially when you're getting your first tattoo, TALK WITH YOUR ARTIST ABOUT IT THEN AND THERE. Don't wait to be handed a printed out sheet of aftercare advice and then moan about it on the internet when you don't receive one.
  13. Let's make this a thread about tattooers who haven't been tattooing for very long who you are excited about. Here are some pictures stolen from Maud Dardeau's instagram. She tattoos at Tin Tin Tatouages in Paris and has been tattooing since 2011, and is already super impressive. I would absolutely get tattooed by her: Instagram https://www.facebook.com/MaudDardeauTinTinTatouages
  14. @Simon Ouellet check out Vero at Tattoomania, I think she does a realistic style much better.
  15. Yep, this. If you let us know where you are we can suggest some good artists in your area. And, to be brutally honest, I hate tattoos of that microphone and I'd be happy if I never saw one again.
  16. That's a good question, and it depends on what you want out of the tattoo. Here's a picture that was posted some time ago on another thread on this forum: Getting tattoos that go together more or less like that...a sort of classic Americana look...shouldn't be too hard as long as you get tattoos that go together in broad stylistic terms. In this case that means black outlines, strong silhouettes, black shading, and bold colour. I think an advantage to getting tattooed like that is that if you want to have a representation of travel on your body, there are a lot of great tattoo shops all over the world and you can get tattooed at them. It's better than getting a stamp in your passport. If you want something more like a single coherent design incorporating various elements, that would have to be worked out with an artist. In my opinion, what you wrote in your initial post is far too much to put into a tattoo and have it look good, and since your artist would probably try to give you a resolved design, adding to it later could be difficult. If you look at these beautiful coherent Japanese sleeves you'll notice that they're often fairly simple: they'll have an animal or a creature, a plant or flower, and a background (wind, water, etc). Regardless of what you want out of your tattoo, I think you should look at as many good tattoos as you can...look at the thread here about what makes a good tattoo, look at the latest tattoo lowdown and monthly contests, follow tattooers on Instagram...and figure out what makes tattoos work as tattoos and go from there.
  17. Hello and welcome. I'd focus more on strong, tattooable images rather than trying to cram multiple interests into one tattoo. The best way to get good tattoos is by finding a good artist--either in your area or somewhere you're willing to travel to--and talk to him or her about your ideas.
  18. I had the consult for my back with Dave not too long after he finished that one and he seemed pretty in awe about how well she (that tiger is on Vero who tattoos at Tattoomania) handled it. I am not that tough and I am totally okay with that. Though I wonder if it would be so bad having a couple of really shitty months of healing and then having it done instead of spacing it out over months or years... @rozone I am super excited to get it started. Dave's tigers are so good and he's such a nice dude and PSC is a great shop.
  19. There are plenty of people I missed getting tattooed by because of when I got into it. There will be plenty of people I'd love to get tattooed by but won't because I won't have space or won't be into getting tattooed anymore or whatever. That's life.
  20. There's a theatrical release of a new cut of The Wicker Man coming out soon. I really hope it's going to be screened here because it's one of my favorite ever movies.
  21. This one was done by Dave Cummings in seven sessions over two months. So yeah, it need not take years. I don't think I have the ability to be tattooed that much in that short a time period though.
  22. It should be an easy enough drive on the I-87 too, no?
  23. I was just joking with my comment. I saw the pictures on Instagram, and well, we've all experienced the post-rough session fuckedness.
  24. Welcome. You have any tattoos?
  25. And from what I've observed and will experience in the not-too-distant future, "I'm so excited, when can I start it" is followed by "MY GOD WHY I AM SUCH AN IDIOT". That seems to go back to excitement though.
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